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IVF in Latin America

IVF in Latin America

IVF in Latin America

Assisted reproductive techniques in Latin America are becoming popular worldwide, not only because of their effectiveness ranges. Also, the quality-price ratio is one of the pillars differentiating it from countries like the United States or Spain.

Compared to European countries, they have a long history of IVF techniques. However, Latin America has developed agreements and different conferences, which allow them to interact with new technologies and explore the field from other points of view. This leads to these recent years being at the same level concerning countries that have been researching for a longer time. This effectiveness factor also depends on the local medical center.

The Latin American Assisted Reproduction Network (RED) is a scientific and educational community that evaluates, certifies and issues the conditions and progress of assisted reproduction centers every five years. With it, the laboratories that offer all the policies stipulated in their regulations and annual percentages, in addition to the improvements or failures in each associated center, are made known.

In recent years the NETWORK has been detecting that most Latin American countries do not have a regulation on in vitro fertilization. Since the cabinet in charge has not spoken out against or in favor of the treatments or limit rates for each country.

For example, in Colombia, an attempt has been made to place on the dialogue table the issues that are essential to approve IVF, which would add greater value to agencies and foreigners who focus on safe options, so the entire process implies even more so if they need genetic material from a third party.

Another factor that the NETWORK highlighted is that there are many Latin American countries where the law is prohibited. This means that many couples must seek alternatives in adjacent countries, increasing the costs of in vitro fertilization due to the transfer. The age ranges to perform IVF oscillate between 25 to 40 years, with an increase in older people who seek the technique, with ages that exceed 36 years in comparison to European countries.

The countries with the best reputation in Latin America are due to the number of successful processes, among which Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Chile, and Argentina stand out. These countries meet the conditions of technology and trained personnel so that the margins are comparable and very similar to those with greater development of the technique.

Complete ultrasounds:

  • Improvements in the precision and monitoring of ovarian stimulation, the collection of mature oocytes, and functional-anatomical evaluation of the woman's body. They conclude that there are updated changes of equipment and qualified personnel to reduce failure rates between processes.

In vitro fertilization laboratories:

  • They are usually located near the operating room where the ovarian stimulation steps, oocyte collection, or embryo implantation are performed in the later stages of the process. As for the laboratories, they immediately evaluate the samples and classify them in terms of effectiveness or compatibility with the genetic material of man.
  • In IVF laboratories, some centers are associated with laboratories that are specialists in the area; here, the mature eggs are frozen in case the couple approves it. They can also be placed as a donation from the chosen center, handled by biologists and biochemists. The results should be arranged in a standard format so that they can be read and categorized by the World Health Organization or another center.
  • In addition, in vitro fertilization clinics must have a certain climate and constant cleaning with materials that do not react with reagents. The equipment must be updated and calibrated in the regulation time.

20% of the patients who use IVF come from Europe; the reasons may be economic or that there was a previous contact, through technological means, with surrogacy centers or centers specialized in assisted reproduction. People who opt for these methods are those who, through several attempts, have not managed to get pregnant and fail by less tedious methods.

The advantages that in vitro fertilization brings in Latin American countries come mostly from the costs of the process, which tend to be much more accessible about other countries. Success rates remain on a level line. However, to make the person feel more comfortable, it is recommended that they establish a pre-contact with the agency of their preference, always in search of quality and solidarity with the patient.

The assisted reproductive options are various, and many agencies seek to address a single route. Knowing the individual case and having the doctor grant them a certificate that specifies the difficulty in procreating will make the process more bearable for the couple.

We invite you to know our clinic and understand why Celagem is classified as the best-assisted reproduction clinic in Colombia and Latin America. Remember that you can make your consultation free; our professionals are ready to listen to your questions and attend to your needs.

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