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Posted By ISIDA–IVF on 06/07/2018

Miscarriage: a real story of ISIDA clinic patient

Miscarriage: a real story of ISIDA clinic patient

Spontaneous loss of the desired pregnancy is a tragedy in every woman’s life, and if it repeats more than once or twice, even the strongest person can give up. In a situation like this, the most important thing is not to lose hope and belief in your own abilities, to move on and not to fight all alone with this misfortune.

This is exactly what our patient A. did - the mother of two charming girls currently residing with her family in Moscow. Sharing on how she managed to cope with the problem of miscarriage, A. deliberately did not raise her medical records, as she wanted the story to consist exclusively of the memories left in her heart:

«Our story is unusual, really blessed by God. The beginning, however, is quite typical: my husband and I got married and we had a daughter. I had problems with kidneys, so our girl was born with the help of caesarean section. When our daughter went to school, we thought about the second child. I was already pregnant when we moved to Kyiv. We were living in good conditions, waiting with impatience for the birth of our second baby. But at a very late date, after 6 months, our child faded away ... It was like a nightmare for us ... 

Next year I became pregnant again, only now with twins. And on the fifth month we survived yet another misfortune - I lost my children ... During those terrible days I met a wise aged woman, a therapist. She gave me a very sensible advice: she told us to find a good doctor who will lead our pregnancy from the first days and up to the birth of a child. That's when I decided to make an appointment with Khazhilenko Ksenia Georgievna.

Communicating with Ksenia Georgievna, I never stopped admiring her unusual method of work. She worked like a professional detective and identified four of my main problems. The first - an inside raphe after cesarean operation was very badly sewn up, I had a very rough scar. The second is an antiphospholipid syndrome, the third is an immune disorder, that is, my body rejected the fetus as a foreign body. The fourth problem is endometriosis and cell memory».

After the prescribed treatment, A. had to move from Ukraine with her husband and daughter. She strictly adhered to all medical instructions, constantly keeping in touch with Ksenia Georgievna in online mode:

«We lived in another country, she didn’t have any material interest in us, she helped us purely because of her altruism, personal enthusiasm. We sent her the results of all tests, she examined them and told us what to do next. In this mode, we lasted up to 7 months. I remember how I begged to do a cesarean section at that time. "Let him be born, while he is still alive!" - I asked. But they decided to wait a little bit more, at least a couple of weeks. During these two weeks, I started to have kidney problems. And one day, while taking a shower, I realized that I was standing in a cabin flooding in blood. I managed to call my husband, I felt dizzy. The husband called an ambulance, went to our daughter's room and told her: «Whatever happens, do not leave the room». 

I lay down on the bed with only one thought: if my child dies, I want to die with him. Women who also survived miscarriage will understand me. It's so scary - when your child dies inside of you. It's such an enormous pain, such a blank! You can’t forgive yourself, you torment yourself and your loved ones, you pray and you manage to overcome this condition with great effort, but half-dead. Part of you dies with a child ... In those minutes, I realized that I no longer have enough strength to survive the death of another baby, that I won’t be able to recover myself again and move on.

I was saved because of the doctors’ quick reaction. The next morning I woke up after the operation and saw my girl – little baby with completely Asian facial features, but with blue eyes. This is really a child sent-from-heaven... I have a complete lack of words to express my huge gratitude to Ksenia Georgievna. A beautiful, intelligent, strong woman who really helped us a lot. She is just an incredible professional who leads the pregnancy so thoroughly, thoughtfully, carefully, that it results is a real miracle. Our miracle, our girl is 6 years old now. She's a talker, a beauty, an incredible bunch of positive energy.

I want to tell those girls who also experienced the horror of miscarriage, the death of their child: "Do not lose your courage!" When you really want a baby, his soul is already near you. And the only things left for you are praying and seeking a professional who will help this soul enter our world. We found this professional. This is Ksenia Georgievna Khazhilenko. Blessings to Ukrainian land, blessings to ISIDA clinic and Ksenia Georgievna - they gifted us happiness». 

Miscarriage is a serious problem, accompanied by strong stress, but there is always a solution. In this situation, it is extremely important to have loving, caring people around, as well as a competent specialist who will prescribe necessary examination and find out the reasons for such an unfavorable outcome of pregnancy. Based on these results he will subsequently prescribe correct treatment regimen for successful onset and development of pregnancy, which will eventually lead to the birth of the desired baby. We hope that story of A. inspires other girls who have faced this terrible problem, never to despair and continue to fight for their little big happiness!

Contact us!

Phone: +380 (44) 455 88 14

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Skype: ISIDA International

Address: 65, Vatslava Gavela Blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine
