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Posted By ISIDA–IVF on 06/07/2018

Why you can’t get pregnant: main reasons and solutions of the problem

Why you can’t get pregnant: main reasons and solutions of the problem

The pregnancy test does not show long-awaited two strips, and you cannot help but start wondering... What's wrong with me and why I can’t get pregnant? The absence of pregnancy for several months does not mean that there are any problems with conception. The majority of healthy women usually get pregnant within a year after making the decision of becoming a mother, complete abandonment of any contraceptive and on condition of having regular sexual life. If after a year pregnancy does not occur, the couple has a justified motive to consult a doctor.

What obstacles can arise on the way to the desired pregnancy? Causes of infertility can be physiological and psychological, and in special occasions, there may be infertility of a mixed type and infertility of an unknown genesis. In approximately 30% of cases, the cause of physiological infertility in women lies in abnormalities of endocrine system. The main symptom of this type of infertility is stable absence of ovulation or its irregularity. The cause of this disorder can be the pathology of the central nervous system, thyroid or adrenal glands. With the right determined reason of the hormonal disorder and correctly prescribed medications, infertility treatment of this type has good prognosis.

Uterine tubal obstruction is yet another common reason of physiological infertility. Inflammatory diseases in the small pelvis, endometriosis or abortion can cause it. In this situation, the prognosis of the success of treatment and the onset of pregnancy depends on the degree of damage of the fallopian tubes and the severity of the process. Much less often, approximately in 5-10% of cases, infertility can be caused by uterine abnormalities - abnormal position of the uterus, various malformations of its development, adenomyosis, uterine myoma, pathology of the cervix. The effectiveness of treatment in this case directly depends on the degree of complexity of each individual situation.

If, upon completing all necessary examinations, results show that woman is healthy, while the pregnancy still does not occur, fertility specialist can diagnose "infertility of an unknown genesis" followed by further examinations with related specialists. In addition, sometimes the reason for the absence of pregnancy is not physiological state, but rather psychological state of future mother. In this case, it is necessary to seek help not only from fertility specialist, but also from psychologist who will help woman identify the strongest sources of chronic stress and safely get rid of them.

Don’t forget that in 40% of couples, infertility is caused due to the male factor. Male infertility - a reduction of sperm fertilizing capacity, which occurs for various reasons: abnormal development of the testicles, chromosomal abnormalities, the toxic effects of environmental pollution, exposure to high temperatures, injuries. It is a lot easier to examine male infertility rather than women: taking sperm analysis (semen analysis) is enough to give a correct assessment of fertilizing capacity of the sperm. There are situations when among the causes of infertility doctors have to call both male and female factor. In this case, both spouses have to undergo treatment.

In order to achieve early progress and avoid troubled situations, do not delay your visit to the doctor - the earlier you start treatment, the higher will be its effectiveness. If you do not get pregnant after passing all examinations and prescribed treatment, don’t worry - modern assisted reproductive technologies have enough means and methods to help couples having difficulties with conception to fulfill their dream of a long-awaited child. In anticipation of a miracle, the most important thing is not to lose hope, because most couples who are persistently trying to get pregnant are sure to become one eventually.

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