Your pregnancy test was positive two weeks ago. Those two parallel lines congratulated you silently by showing the new status — you’re pregnant. But that was just the start of your story. Envisioned or not, a new life is taking shape within you. You both (as a couple) created that tiny embryo and two hearts are beating inside you or one will start beating, beat by beat in a couple of weeks. The first three weeks will pass under the status quo: the test might be false–positive, the pregnancy might be chemical, the embryo may split into twins, you could have conceived multiples, and your embryo may disappear.
Early pregnancy is a time of both joy and anxiety, as there are many questions with no answers. Many ongoing scenarios in your mind with no just–right one. Many things you need to embrace without seeing, just — believing. From experiencing undesirable symptoms of pregnancy including morning sickness, nausea, mood swings to scheduling the first prenatal visit with your health care provider or midwife, the 1st trimester (first 13 weeks) is a start of your pregnancy journey. So, let’s dive into the unique world of early pregnancy and explore everything about the first three months.
Starting from the fourth week of pregnancy, your fertilized oocyte earlier termed a “zygote” is now officially called an embryo. This tiny bundle of joy, about the size of a poppy seed, undergoes a significant milestone: the development of the heart and vessels. At the end of this week or early in week five, a tiny embryonic heart would start to beat (beat by beat). Imagine the wonder of hosting a poppy seed with a beating heart inside. Sooner, you will hear this heartbeat, a powerful reminder of the miracle of life unfolding within you.
At five weeks, your embryo, now about the size of a sesame seed, starts to create its circulatory system. The sophisticated network of blood vessels begins to take shape, culminating in the initiation of the rhythmic embryonic heartbeat. Can you imagine this incredible feat?
Simultaneously with developing the cardiovascular system, the baby develops the neural tube, (the future brain, spinal cord, nerves, and backbone. This vital structure begins to form in the ectoderm, the outermost layer of the developing embryo.
Additionally, the baby develops the primitive placenta and tiny umbilical cord, which provides the oxygen, nutrients, fluids, and waste removal necessary to support your embryo’s continued growth and development.
This week can be described as the “shaping” week, as many of your baby’s facial features begin to take real form. The tiny nose, mouth, lips, and ears are starting to emerge. The arms and legs continue to bud and grow, becoming more sophisticated. Your embryo, now about the size of a lentil, is a whirlwind of activity. And most remarkably, the tiny embryonic heart continues to beat strong, pumping blood throughout the developing circulatory system, and filling the millions of micro–vessels at a rate of approximately 100 to 160 beats per minute. It is truly awesome and inspiring to know that week by week your embryo becomes more real, deepening the emotional connection between you both.
Your tiny embryo, now about the size of a blueberry and half an inch long, undergoes rapid growth this week. Wrists and ankles begin to appear, marking the early development of the hands and feet. Soon, tiny fingers and toes will emerge, each with unique fingerprints and footprints.
Starting around week eight, your tiny embryo officially releases to the fetal stage. This is a significant milestone, marking the beginning of a new phase of development. While you may not yet show, your baby is growing rapidly, now about the size of a raspberry.
This week brings a flurry of exciting developments. Tiny fingers and toes are forming, complete with unique fingerprints and footprints. Eyelids begin to form, gently covering the developing eyes. Breathing tubes start to emerge, preparing the way for future respiration. And the nervous system continues to develop, with nerve cells branching out to form neural pathways.
Your Noisy Raspberry is now actively moving within your womb. These early movements, such as curling, stretching, twisting, turning, and kicking, may not be felt yet, but soon they will be strong. You may not feel these delicate, ballet–like, airy, and light movements for several more weeks (until week 16), but knowing that your baby is already active and engaged is truly awesome.
By week 9, you are hosting a Teethed Grape — a tiny embryo that continues to evolve at an astonishing pace. Key milestones this week include the complete formation of the tiny heart, the development of tiny teeth, and the complete formation of the eyes (though they remain gently veiled by eyelids until week 27).
By week nine, your baby, now about the size of a kumquat — a little over an inch long and weighing less than a quarter of an ounce — has entered a new phase of rapid growth. This tiny, yet powerful being has successfully navigated the critical early stages of development. One notable development this week is the formation of tiny translucent nails on the fingers and toes. You can almost visualize what is going on inside your baby: the steady beat of the heart, the flow of blood through the delicate vessels, and the gentle expansion of the lungs.
By week eleven, your baby, now about the size of a fig, is becoming increasingly active. While you may not yet feel these movements, your baby is already practicing a delicate ballet within your uterus. They are curling, stretching, kicking, and even hiccupping as their diaphragm begins to develop. These movements become more technically accurate and more beautiful. And if you are hosting twins or triplets, be sure, that they are not only hustling and bustling, but also may touch and hug each other.
This week, your baby’s hands are becoming more dexterous, opening and closing into tiny fists. Tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear, and some bones are starting to harden.
By week twelve, your baby, now about the size of a lime and weighing half an ounce, is becoming increasingly active. Your baby’s reflexes are developing rapidly. Fingers and toes begin to open and close, and eye muscles start to clench. If you were to touch your belly, your baby may even respond to the sensation with a delicate kick.
If you are expecting multiples and hosting two or three limes, their interactions within the womb are beginning to take shape. They may curl around each other, touch each other, hold each other wrists and hug each other if they are sharing one placenta, or even exchange gentle nudges. These twists, turns, stretches, and kicks are still delicate, but soon, your belly will be a space for a loud fetal party as kicking will be more and more powerful.
This week also marks significant internal developments. Tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear, and some bones are starting to harden, preparing your baby for the exciting adventures that lie ahead.
Congratulations! The thirteenth week is the last in your first trimester. You have made it to the point at which it is socially acceptable to announce your pregnancy (although it is too early for making a Gender Reveal party) because the chances of miscarrying are much lower now. Your belly, which is home to a fetus roughly the size of a lemon, may be starting to show a slight curve. Still, you don’t appear pregnant to anyone outside your inner circle.
This week marks a significant development: the formation of unique fingerprints on your baby’s tiny fingers. Your baby’s body is also experiencing significant changes. The head, which previously dominated the body’s proportions, is now becoming more proportionate to the rest of the body, making up just a third of the body’s size.
The first trimester is the most vulnerable and mysterious time in any pregnancy. The embryo may split into twins, may disappear, may die, or, may become a fetus. While undesirable situations may arise and negative scenarios may turn real, issues may lead to uncertainties, and sometimes, anxiety may overwhelm you, remember that you are not alone, and there is a great e chance of a successful pregnancy. Stay positive, embrace the wonder of this journey, cherish each moment, prioritize your desires, and consult with your healthcare provider for guidance, support and prenatal care during this special time of early pregnancy.