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Surrogacy with Egg Donation & the Partner’s Sperm Cost in Ukraine, Repromedicine.

Surrogacy with Egg Donation & the Partner’s Sperm Cost in Ukraine, Repromedicine.

Hello, Surrogacy Bundle Mini Pro. 1 ultimate Egg Donation cycle, 1 ultimate IVF–ICSI Embryo Generation cycle, and 1 Embryo Transfer trial — all beautifully packed in Surrogacy with Egg Donation and the partner’s sperm Bundle. Preconfigured with innovation, Surrogacy Bundle Mini Pro delivers unexpectedly amazing results. Redesigned in no small way, this Surrogacy Bundle is brilliant for the couples wishing to empower the Surrogacy program and save their Surrogacy budget. Even being limited to 1 cycle only (1Egg Donation cycle, 1 ICSI cycle, and 1 ET), the Mini Bundle Pro just got mightier as it has the extra option, such as extra FET or extra IVF–ICSI cycle. At just one multi–transformable Treatment Protocol, it takes up almost no extra one but fills the entire cycle with 30 flexible configurations that can be empowered, arranged, rearranged, attached, detached, dragged, dropped, reconfigured, transformed in a turbo–fast mode bringing ultimate and seamless experience without interfering with the Surrogacy cycle currently in progress. In addition to being a great pack, Surrogacy Bundle mini powers everything from initial virtual consultation with Coordination Team Case Manager to having the newborn Bundle sleeping in your hands. Explore which pack is right for you. Starting at 42,000.00 EUR per cycle.

Repromedicine Surrogacy & Egg Donation Agency: 

1. ‘Where can I pre–order or book ‘Surrogacy with Egg Donation and the partner’s sperm’ Bundle?’

Want to select and pre–order the best Surrogacy Bundle? Wondering where to book the Surrogacy program? Repromedicine Surrogacy & Egg Donation Agency located in Kyiv, Ukraine, offers a wide range of Surrogacy Bundles for married heterosexual couples. Explore all ‘core’ in–Bundle and out–Bundle configurations designed for the Surrogacy with own eggs and the partner’s sperm program. 

2. ‘In–Bundle’ and ‘out–Bundle’ configurations of the Surrogacy Bundle.

Pack #1: ‘Surrogacy with Egg Donation and the partner’s sperm’ (1 ultimate Egg Donation cycle, 1 ultimate IVF–ICSI cycle, 1 PGD–5 cycle for embryonic cohort generated through ICSI fertilization, and 1 Embryo Transfer trial): 

  • Initial consultation with Repromedicine Surrogacy & Egg Donation Agency Rep. regarding the Surrogacy Bundles, sending the necessary documentation for powering up the initial documents’ assessment process, scheduling the arrival date + 
  • Inclusive management of the Surrogacy by the Coordination Team (inclusive management of the Surrogacy program including coordination, translation, and interpretation services) + 
  • Selection of the egg donor + 
  • Matching with the surrogate mom + 
  • Pre–cycle Diagnostic Screenings and Tests including lab. tests for all participants+ 
  • COS (Controlled Ovarian Stimulation) cycle empowered for the egg donor, the COS cycle’s clinical management and monitoring + 
  • Surrogate mom’s endometrial prep. cycle + 
  • Oocyte Retrieval and egg donor’s compensation+ 
  • Sperm Collection and prep. for ICSI + 
  • ICSI–Embryo Generation using the donor’s oocytes and the partner’s sperm (1 cycle) + 
  • prolonged Embryo Cultivation (developing the blastocysts) + 
  • Mock Embryo Transfer (if necessary) + 
  • Embryo Transfer (1 trial) + 
  • Post–Embryo Transfer pregnancy clinical management and monitoring (appointments, urine test (is done on day 11 post–Embryo Transfer), HCG blood test (human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is done on day 14 post–Embryo Transfer), an early pregnancy ultrasound scan is done on day 28 after transfer to confirm the viable or non–viable pregnancy + 
  • one ultimate Surrogacy cycle including clinical management and monitoring of the gestational carrier’s pregnancy (appointments, prenatal (antenatal) care, medication, vitamins and minerals, pregnancy progress monitoring, Screenings, Diagnostic Tests, lab. tests, pre–delivery consults) + 
  • delivery at the maternity hospital, medication, post–delivery (postnatal) care, and final compensation for Surrogacy services + 
  • legal support during the program including the support for the Exit Process Bundle’s cost starts at 42,000.00 EUR per cycle. 

3. ‘What is in the Bundle?’

  • 1 ultimate Surrogacy cycle using the donor’s oocytes and the partner’s sperm.
  • 1 ultimate IVF–ICSI cycle (one ultimate Egg Donation cycle including the donor’s compensation: COS cycle with Oocyte Retrieval designed for the egg donor, the partner’s Sperm Collection and prep. for being used in ICSI, ICSI–Embryo Generation using the donor’s fresh oocytes and the partner’s fresh sperm, prolonged Embryo Cultivation until the blastocyst stage, and embryo development monitoring). 
  • PGD–5 (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) screening. PGD–5 is designed for screening 5 chromosomes only.
  • 1 Embryo Transfer (fresh ET) is included.
  • Cryopreservation/Vitrification and/or storage of sperm, oocytes, embryos are included for 1–year timeline. 
  • Virtual conversation with Repromedicine Surrogacy and Egg Donation Agency International IVF & Surrogacy Case Manager.
  • Access to the egg donors’ database and profiles with transparent and inclusive info necessary for selecting the candidate. 
  • Access to the Gestational Carriers’ database and profiles with transparent and inclusive info necessary for selecting the candidate. 
  • Initial documents assessment. 
  • Matching with a surrogate mother.
  • Approval of the surrogate mother’s candidature by the intended parents.
  • Inclusive management of the Surrogacy by the Coordination Team including coordination, translation, and interpretation services.
  • The first appointment with the Fertility Pro at Fertility Clinic including ultimate Surrogacy cycle Protocol’s modeling (initial consultation, initial screening (ultrasound scan), pre–Surrogacy Screening and Diagnostic Testing Protocol for the intended parents, the egg donor, and the surrogate mom, COS and Oocyte Retrieval Protocol for the egg donor (if necessary, Oocyte Vitrification and Sperm Freezing Protocols can be designed), ICSI Embryo Generation and Embryo Cultivation Protocol, endometrial prep. (pre–transfer) Protocol for the surrogate mom and Embryo Transfer Protocol (if necessary, the mock Embryo Transfer Protocol will be powered up), post–transfer Embryo Vitrification Protocol, and pregnancy care guidelines (antenatal care, pregnancy progress clinical management and monitoring, Diagnostic Screens and lab. tests’ schedule, etc.).
  • Prep. and powering up the egg donor’s COS Protocol with its clinical management and monitoring. 
  • Prep. and powering up the surrogate mom’s endometrial prep. Protocol with its clinical management and monitoring. 
  • Medication for all participants. 
  • Egg Retrieval and the donor’s compensation for Egg Donation.
  • Sperm Collection and prep. for being used in ICSI. 
  • Mock Embryo Transfer (if necessary).
  • The embryo or embryonic cohort Devitrification and prep. for the Transfer. 
  • Embryo Vitrification for the future FET cycles.
  • Program support by phone powered up by the Coordination Team: Mon.—Sat.: 09.00 am—05.00 pm.
  • 24/7 emergency line (emergency helpline).
  • Transfer from the airport/hotel/apartment to the clinic for all visits and transfer back to the hotel/apartment/airport.
  • Accommodation and meals for the first visit (staying for up to 3 days at the hotel/apartment is covered by the program’s ‘core’ fee). 
  • Post–Embryo Transfer pregnancy management and monitoring. 
  • Early pregnancy tests (urine test, HCG blood test), and ultrasound scans to confirm the post–Embryo Transfer pregnancy status.
  • Post–pregnancy confirmation management and monitoring (comprehensive pregnancy management and monitoring). 
  • Triple Screen Test (Triple Test, Multiple Marker Screening, and AFP Plus). The triple screen test is a maternal non–invasive blood screening test that looks for three specific substances: AFP (Alpha–Fetoprotein is a protein that is produced by the fetus), hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a hormone produced within the placenta), and Estriol (an estrogen produced by both the fetus and the placenta).
  • Psychological support of your surrogate mom.
  • Assistance in communication with your surrogate mother twice a month. 
  • Surrogacy–related expenses.
  • Travel and accommodation expenses for the surrogate mom. 
  • Delivery at the maternity hospital (pre–delivery care, natural delivery, post–delivery care). 
  • Surrogate mother’s compensation for Surrogacy services including the final compensation paid to the surrogate mom after the delivery.
  • Pediatrician services for the newborn(s). 
  • Legal support during the program.
  • Receiving the baby’s Certificate of Live Birth, its translation, and notarization.
  • The newborn’s registration at the Local Civil Registry.
  • Out of Hospital Birth Registration. Receiving the baby’s Birth Certificate (the intended parents’ names will be referenced on the birth certificate). Translation of Baby’s Birth Certificate, notarization of the translation. If necessary, extra legalization may be involved, and the Apostille is attached to the baby’s Birth Certificate to verify it is legitimate and authentic. 
  • Exit process.

The total Bundle’s fee starts at 42,000.00 EUR.


4. ‘What is not in the Bundle?’

  • Selection of the new surrogate mom in case of the negative result.
  • Extra ET (Embryo Transfer)/FET (frozen Embryo Transfer) — 1,500.00 EUR per trial.
  • Extra IVF cycle using own oocytes and the partner’s frozen or fresh sperm — 4,500.00 EUR/4,950.00 EUR.
  • Extra IVF cycle using the donor’s oocytes and the partner’s sperm — 6,500.00 EUR.
  • PGD–9 (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) for 9 chromosomes, FISH (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) — 1,500.00 EUR. 
  • PGD–24 (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) for 24 chromosomes, NGS (Next–Generation Sequencing) — 2,500.00 EUR. 
  • PGD–Gender Selection.
  • Compensation paid to the surrogate mom in case of miscarriage — 1,500.00 EUR.
  • C–section (if needed) — 2,000.00 EUR.
  • Multiple Gestation Fee (Multiples fee) —4,000.00 EUR for twin pregnancy.
  • NIPT (Noninvasive Prenatal Testing) / Noninvasive Prenatal Screening (NIPS), is a screening used to detect common fetal chromosome aneuploidies, such as trisomy 13, 18, and 21 (T13, T18, and T21), and has expanded to Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies (SCAs). NIPT screens small fragments of the DNA that are circulating in the Gestational Carrier’s blood — 850.00 EUR.
  • Neonatal Heel Prick Screening Test (Guthrie test) involves taking a blood sample from the baby’s heel at or as soon as possible after 48 hours of age (at the age of 2–40 days) — 140.00 EUR/one newborn. Designed to screen the baby for potentially lethal diseases.
  • Staying at the maternity hospital’s ward is not covered by the Bundle’s fee. Staying at the maternity hospital for the intended parents is charged as an extra fee.
  • Intended parents’ presence during the delivery. 
  • Newborn’s pack (the newborn essentials packed in one Bundle).
  • The newborn’s screening by the neonatologist, pediatrician, cardiologist, endocrinologist, immunologist, nephrologist, neuropathologist, pulmonologist, ophthalmologist, etc. 
  • Surrogate mom’s staying at the hospital in case of pregnancy complications is covered by the intended parents.
  • Expenses in case of premature birth (premature birth, post–premature birth intensive medical care including the consultations with a neonatologist and the other specialists, medication, Treatment Protocol, nursing services, Treatment Protocol, the preemie newborn’s care), the newborn staying at NICU are covered by the intended parents.
  • Psychological support of the intended parents by English–speaking psychologist.
  • Accommodation and meals for the second visit. 
  • Accommodation and meals for the final visit.
  • Babysitter’s services. 
  • Cleaning services.


Something to say in conclusion?

Boundary–pushing Surrogacy Bundle mini creates the full surrogacy experience. See how it works. 

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