Clinica Origen – Rio de Janeiro – Resende

Fertility Clinic
Barra da Tijuca, State of Rio de Janeiro, 22620-350

Contact Information

Clinic Name
Clinica Origen – Rio de Janeiro – Resende
140 Av. Rodolfo Amoedo
Barra da Tijuca, State of Rio de Janeiro, 22620-350

Clinic Details

Languages spoken
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday 7am — 6.30pm
Saturday 7am —12am

Clinica Origen – Rio de Janeiro – Resende

The Origen has his womb in Belo Horizonte, unities very well structured in the Rio de Janeiro – in association with the specialist Marcello Valle – and in several cities of Minas Gerais. They all count on multidisciplinal teams, on acting in several areas of the reproductive medicine, like gynecology, medicine fetal, genetics, ultrasound, - laparoscopia, - histeroscopia and psychology. Reference in Human Reproduction Assisted in the whole Latin America, the Doctor ORIGEN was born with the objective to centralize the medical attention, the availability of the technology and the human welcome in the well-being and I respect to his patients. More than 20 years ago, the Clinic established by the doctors Marcos Sampaio and Selmo Geber maintains a high technological standard and develops recognized scientific inquiries to help the persons in the realization of his dreams. The Doctor ORIGEN has in his DNA scientific investments in studies. The Clinic was a pioneer in the development of innovatory techniques for the Reproductive Medicine in Brazil, as: – Diagnostic Genetic Daily pay-introduction (PGD), which allows the genetic diseases identification still in the traineeship of embryo (before even of his introduction in the motherly womb); – embryos Transfer in traineeship of blastocisto (advanced traineeship of development), period in which the embryo is introduced in the wall of the womb; – cloth Freezing ovariano. – Freeze-All (FIV in two times) alternative for patients that has against indication to transfer the embryos in the same stimulation cycle; – Transfer of Blastocistos without Zone Pelúcida – for the cases of repeated fault of introduction; – embryonic Co-Cultivation – for cases of repeated fault of introduction; – spermatozoa Storage in Zone Pelúcida – for freezing of very small quantities of spermatozoa. His multidisciplinal medical team, with acting in several areas of the Reproductive Medicine, has studies recognized in whole world and specialization in areas like Gynecology, Medicine Fetal, Genetics, Ultrassom, - Laparoscopia, - Histeroscopia and Psychology. The Doctor ORIGEN disposes of unities in Minas Gerais and in the Rio de Janeiro. 

HIGH QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE IN TREATMENTS OF INFERTILITY. The specialists who integrate the medical team of the Doctor ORIGEN have high qualification and proved clinical and scientific experience. Formed by the best universities of the country, with specialization, master's degree, doctorate and powders given the doctor's degree in services of Reproductive Medicine in countries as the United States, Australia, Spain and England. The Doctor ORIGEN disposes of the infraestrutura and the necessary resources to carry out the most advanced proceedings and with all available technology. Our logomarca is a Butterfly! When does she multiply it leaves his cocoon in a place where it will be well a care and protected.