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Surrogacy India

Price: "Rs10,65,000"


It is important to educate yourself about surrogacy and ensure that you are ready to fully commit to the process. This step-by-step guide will help you prepare for what’s to come throughout your surrogacy journey.



An embryo created by in vitro fertilization (IVF) is implanted in a surrogate. The resulting child is genetically unrelated to the surrogate.


Genetically, the child is related to the intended parents depending on the circumstances mentioned below:

  • The embryo is created using the intended father's sperm and the intended mother's eggs. The resulting child is genetically related to both intended parents.
  • The embryo is created using the intended father's sperm and a donor egg where the donor is not the surrogate. The resulting child is genetically related to the intended father.
  • The embryo is created using the intended mother's egg and donor sperm. The resulting child is genetically related to the intended mother.
  • The embryo is created using a donor egg and donor sperm. The resulting child is genetically unrelated to the intended parent(s).



Surrogacy is an appropriate option where the female partner is diagnosed with medical conditions that make it impossible or life-threatening for her to carry the child for a full term. The medical conditions are as follows:

  • Absence of uterus due to congenital conditions or due to hysterectomy
  • Malformations in the uterus
  • Inexplicable recurrent pregnancy loss
  • Repeated (IVF) implantation failures
  • Medical conditions such as heart disease, severe diabetes, breast cancer, etc. that make pregnancy life-threatening for the mother and the baby.


  1. Outline your requirements

Before you begin your surrogacy process, you need to decide on the following:

  • Whether you need donor sperm or eggs?

You will be required to consult the infertility specialist who will advise the options based on your medical history, diagnosis, and evaluation.

  • Whether you have identified a surrogate or will need our services to find one?

In case you have identified a surrogate, the infertility specialist will examine and confirm her suitability before starting the process. We can also assist you in identifying a surrogate through agencies.



  1. Identify the surrogate 

We will engage a surrogacy agency to identify a surrogate mother. Once a suitable surrogate is identified, you may get to know one another better through phone calls, emails or in-person meetings.


  1. Complete the legal requirements

Once a surrogate and intended parent have decided to move forward together, they will need to make it official by drafting a legal contract. 

We will discuss your legal rights, possible risks and the compensation you and your surrogate agreed to. The intended parents and surrogates may review the legal aspects of surrogacy. Contracts will be signed once everyone agrees to its terms.

Once the contracts are signed, it will be time to move into the next phase - fertilization and pregnancy.

After the first trimester, we will work with you to establish you as the legal parent of your child, which will allow you to make medical decisions for the baby and include your names on the birth certificate. This is called a pre-birth order, which is an important step in declaring the child as legally yours.

  1. Begin the fertilization & embryo transfer process (IVF - ET)

Once contracts have been signed, it is time to begin medical procedures to prepare for the embryo transfer. 

The medical procedures required will depend on your circumstances and whether you are using an egg donor. The intended mother or egg donor will be given medication to help her develop-eggs and will undergo an egg retrieval procedure. The eggs are then fertilized in the laboratory using sperm from the intended father or a donor to create an embryo. The embryos are incubated and assessed for development prior to being transferred to the surrogate mother. The surrogate will undergo fertility treatments prior to the embryo transfer and during the pregnancy.

  1. Pregnancy confirmation

Once a healthy pregnancy is confirmed and the baby’s heartbeat is evident, the surrogate will begin receiving payments for base compensation and monthly allowance. She will also begin receiving prenatal care, which will continue throughout the pregnancy.


  1. Welcome your baby

The birth of the baby is a life-changing event for both the surrogate and the intended parents. After the baby is born and the surrogate is discharged from the hospital, the new family and surrogate can all return home, the parents with their new baby and the surrogate with the satisfaction of giving the selfless gift of parenthood to someone who couldn’t do it on their own.

Surrogacy is an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience for both the surrogate and the intended parents.

If you or your spouse need additional information before making a final decision on surrogacy, reach out to us.

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