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Posted 09/30/2019

Tandem sperm cycle Cyprus

Price: 4500EUR

For men facing not extreme male factor infertility and wishing to try IVF—ICSI with own sperm the ‘Tandem sperm cycle’ can be proposed. The tandem sperm cycle with sperm donation involves the intended father’s and sperm donor’s synchronized sperm collection and sperm preparation. Intended mother’s oocytes are fertilized with the intended father’s sperm and with the donor’s sperm through the ICSI technique. The all—new generated embryos are cultured for several days (usually till Day 3 or Day 5). The couple will have the complete info concerning the embryonic cohort. If the intended mother’s oocytes fertilized with the intended father’s sperm stopped their development or their genome content has the detected abnormalities (if PGD or NGS was synchronized with IVF—ICSI), the oocytes fertilized with the donor’s sperm will be transferred in the intended mother’s uterus. 


The tandem sperm cycle (cycle with own sperm and sperm donation) bundle involves an extra fee and the total cost is 4500 EUR. Tandem cycle involves the intended mother’s, intended father’s and sperm donor’s diagnostic screening and medical evaluation, the intended mother’s controlled ovarian stimulation protocol, ultrasound—guided egg retrieval and egg collection from the intended mother, the intended father’s and the donor’s sperm collection and sperm preparation, IVF—ICSI fertilization in the IVF laboratory, embryo culturing, embryo selection, embryo transfer in the intended mother’s uterus, blood pregnancy test, urine pregnancy test and early ultrasound to confirm the embryonic heartbeat. The basic fee covers the tandem oocyte cycle including the egg donor’s fee, IVF—ICSI embryo “generation” fee, and embryo transfer fee. 


IVF—ICSI Tandem Sperm Cycle (IVF—ICSI with own sperm and donated sperm) cycle’s stages: 

●intended mother’s and intended father’s diagnostic screening and testing;

●intended mother’s and intended father’s blood tests;

●sperm donor’s diagnostic screening and testing, blood tests;

●intended mother’s controlled (medicated) ovarian stimulation;

●intended mother’s and egg donor’s ultrasound—guided egg retrieval; 

●intended father’s sperm preparation;

●the donor’s sperm preparation;

●ICSI fertilization; 

●embryo culturing;

●embryo selection;

●fresh embryo transfer;

●blood pregnancy test;

●urine pregnancy test;

●ultrasound scan;

●embryo vitrification for future frozen embryo transfer cycles on the couple’s demand and is charged as an extra fee.