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Fertility Clinics In Argentina

Profile page of Fertility Clinics In Argentina


Guaranteed by working under the most rigorous international Biosafety standards. PROAR is an institution accredited by the Argentine Society of Reproductive Medicine (SAMER) and by the Latin American Network of Assisted Reproduction. It develops an... more about this fertility clinic.

Rosario, Santa Fe Province , Argentina

Alive private hospital — Medicina Reproductiva y de Fertilidad

WE HAVE: Central Guard 24 hours  42 Hospitalization beds with 8 ICU  Reproductive medicine center in northern area  Last generation operating rooms  High and low complexity surgeries  Rooms with high comfort  Center... more about this fertility clinic.

Cordoba, Cordoba , Argentina


We are an institution dedicated more than 25 years ago to the diagnosis and treatment of couples with fertility disorders. We started with Procrearte (an institution dedicated to the fertility of the City of Buenos Aires), and over time we formed and... more about this fertility clinic.

Neuquén, Neuquén , Argentina

Andrology Center Lanus

Andrology Center is a center dedicated to the study and treatment of male infertility and sexual dysfunction in particular, and infertility of the couple in general.  We have a dedicated staff of andrologists and specialists.  In our center... more about this fertility clinic.

Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Province , Argentina


The quality of the procedures makes our results reliable, and the Argentine Society of Reproductive Medicine annually certifies our procedures. We are also part of the PEEC: External Quality Assessment Program - Fundación Bioquímica Argentina.... more about this fertility clinic.

San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina

Igenomix Buenos Aires

We started Igenomix back in 2011 along with a group of visionaries and scientists. Our engagement focus was on the patient seeking for reproductive medical treatment with one idea in mind: to obtain a healthy baby at home.  Now, with the latest... more about this fertility clinic.

Núñez, Buenos Aires, Argentina


REPROBANK sends donor eggs, sperm and embryos to all patients through their treating doctor at their local clinic. ... more about this fertility clinic.

Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires , Argentina

Halitus Instituto Medico

At Halitus we offer you the latest technology, the trajectory, the experience and the human warmth of those of us who have achieved, since 1987, through highly complex assisted fertilization techniques, more than 7,500 births. We work as a team because... more about this fertility clinic.

Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires , Argentina


We created Ameris out of the need for patients and medical professionals to have a highly specialized and accessible Center.  Our Mission is to provide solutions in Assisted Reproduction, Endoscopic Surgery, Andrology and Urology, within a framework... more about this fertility clinic.

Ingeniero White, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cegyr Reproductive Medicine

Assissted Reproduction:  Personalized stimulation.  Gamete selection techniques (ovules and sperm) to achieve the best embryos.  Transfer of embryos with the highest pregnancy potential (development to the blastocyst stage). ... more about this fertility clinic.

Martínez, Buenos Aires Province , Argentina