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Argentina In Vitro Fertilization clinics

Top In Vitro Fertilization clinics in Argentina


Guaranteed by working under the most rigorous international Biosafety standards. PROAR is an institution accredited by the Argentine Society of Reproductive Medicine (SAMER) and by the Latin American Network of Assisted Reproduction. It develops an... more about this fertility clinic.

Rosario, Santa Fe Province , Argentina


Fecundart, is one of the main centers of assisted reproduction in the interior of the country. Since 1995, our institution has experienced fertility professionals, with continuous education and training abroad who have been developing the specialty... more about this fertility clinic.

Córdoba, Cordoba , Argentina


CIMER is a medical institution specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of difficulties of conception. It provides highly personalized assistance and comprehensive solutions to each couple seeking to solve their infertility problem, ranking the importance... more about this fertility clinic.

Buenos Aires, Provincia de Buenos Aires , Argentina