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Posted By ISIDA–IVF on 03/26/2018

ART have become even more effective in ISIDA

ART have become even more effective in ISIDA

As the statistics shows, every year the indicator of the effectiveness of assisted reproductive technologies in ISIDA clinic grows steadily. In the last two years, the indicators of successful programs were particularly high, thanks to introduction of a number of innovative research and diagnostic innovations, improvement of existing methods of infertility treatment, as well as to the high professionalism and dedication of our specialists.

We are proud that the number of cases of hyperstimulation in ISIDA has decreased by 30-40% - this is a wonderful result! In order to avoid complications when the patient starts drug treatment to stimulate follicle development, we use attenuated schemes of stimulation and an individual approach to the choice of treatment protocols.

Unfortunately, even minor signs of it can negatively affect the onset of pregnancy - in these cases, the best way is cryopreserving the embryo and performing the transfer when the woman’s body is rehabilitated after the hormonal treatment. IVF in a cryocycle in ISIDA has also reached an extremely high level - in two years, the effectiveness has doubled, up to 60% of successful implantations, thanks to application of a modern method of vitrification of an embryo.

One of the key factors to successful IVF programs in ISIDA clinic is the reduction in the number of embryos transferred to the patient (elective single embryo transfer), because our goal is not to achieve pregnancy at any cost, but to help our patients give birth to a healthy child. By doing this, we avoid risks associated with multiple pregnancies, while the effectiveness of ART remains the same, and the number of successful pregnancies is growing due to a whole range of improvements. In addition, an increase in the percentage of successful implantations is based upon embryo transfer on the fifth day of its development, and not on the third or fourth, as more reliable selection criteria for embryos become possible during this period.

One more secret of high effectiveness of our infertility treatment programs is the application of innovative diagnostic methods in the field of ART. These include innovative, standard preimplantation diagnostics or screening (PGD / PGS) with the NGS method (allows to determine chromosomal abnormalities at the DNA level of embryo with an accuracy of 99.9%) and immune endometrial histochemistry (test for estrogen and progesterone receptor condition, and also for the presence of chronic endometritis). The diagnostic of tubal obstruction became more efficient as well – an ultrasound was replaced by X-ray examination. If the previous method was informative for only 50%, the x-ray guarantees up to 95-98% of the reliability of the result obtained.

«The improvement of reproductive technologies in ISIDA is the result of teamwork of many specialists, doctors and biologists, - says one of the leading reproductive specialists of ISIDA clinic, Miroslava Vatsik. - Diagnosis and treatment of infertility in ISIDA provides application of all modern medical options for female and male health: genetic and immunological tests, minimally traumatic invasive surgical solutions, individually prescribed medication, advanced biotechnology».


Every day, we strive to improve the level of services provided and to acquire new skills and knowledge, introduce innovative methods of infertility treatment and improve existing ones, acting solely in the interests of our patients, in order to achieve even more outstanding results jointly!

Contact us!

Phone: +380 (44) 455 88 14

Viber: +380 (67) 333 88 14

Skype: ISIDA International

Address: 65, Vatslava Gavela Blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine
