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Posted By IVF Group Surrogacy Services — Ukraine on 03/28/2019

Dr. Dankovich Interview

Dr. Dankovich Interview

Why the Doctor Should Have High Self-Esteem

An interview with Dr. Natalia Dankovych

The prominent doctor Vladimir Bekhterev once brought out the truth for himself and his colleagues: "If the patient does not feel better after talking to a doctor, then a doctor lacks something important." And if a person has a choice, he goes to the specialist the one he trusts. After all, a real doctor should be able to endear a patient so that he shares his, albeit small secrets, asks for advice, and finally comes to conclusion - “This is my doctor. And not only for my body, but also for my soul." Dr. Natalya Dankovych, Director General of the “Mother and Child” Medical Center with more than 20 years’ relevant experience is definitely adhered to this principle.

The patient always comes to us with his problems, wishes, and hopes. We need to listen to him and help him, Dr. Dankovych takes the floor.

In general, this is exactly what distinguishes the private healthcare structure from the state subsidized healthcare system. Although one cannot speak badly about the second, the state healthcare system is our alma mater. However, there are often not enough professionals, equipment ... And yet – there is a lack of ordinary smiles. When you meet a patient, it is very important to learn to smile. Perhaps, this is both a simple and complex task. In general, patient comfort consists of small things, and they must be taken into account.

In general, what is your understanding of being a real doctor? When did you personally have the feeling that people trust you, follow your advice and recommendations? 

A doctor can only be evaluated by his patients. If there is no line to the doctor’s office, it means that the doctor is not in high demand. I am sure that you are perfectly aware that a good doctor always has a full schedule, he is constantly busy. It means he is a real professional. And by the way, doctors become doctors not after graduation, but after five years of practical activities. And it is important to work closely with a qualified specialist during your practice. I was very lucky: I had good teachers, and one of them was Dr. Yuri Vdovichenko, a really bright head.

Does the doctor’s psychological attitude really matter?

Indeed, you need to be confident in your skills and competencies. I have over 45 highly qualified doctors in my clinic. Everyone of them has high self-esteem, everyone can say: "I know that I can help you." When in doubt, the result is almost impossible to achieve. However, one should not succumb to self-assurance, because doctor is not God.

However, in the field of reproductive medicine, he has to be involved into a divine procedure - the birth of a new man.

Yes, a man is born from two small cells. We observe daily how they divide, grow, and life emerges in the incubator the next day. This is a real miracle.

It is interesting, but the church reproaches that there is an interference in the process granted by the Most High?

When priests make claims, we answer, “If we help to bring happiness to a woman to become a mother, isn’t this a divine direction?” What else should we do? To tell her that "the Church does not allow it"? But the woman should accomplish her main mission on this earth - maternal.

It seems that in our era the number of infertile couples is greater than before. What is the reason? 


The problem of infertility existed in the biblical times. If the wife could not give birth, the maid gave birth. However, on a global scale, this issue has indeed become relevant recently. I remember that in the past six people were addressing me with infertility problems annually, now I have the same number of patients, but in a day. The fact is that it became easier to diagnose the cause of infertility. And when I analyze world data, it turns out that every fifth couple is potentially barren. The causes are known to all: man-made disasters, poor ecology, pollution, chronic stress, new diseases. These things especially affect men. They already say that the Y-chromosome is on the verge of extinction. We see large deviations in the quality of sperm. The representatives of the strong half of humanity do not follow a healthy lifestyle, do whatever they want, and when it comes to conceiving a child, the problems start. It means that often both partners are equally guilty, and not solely a woman as it was widely thought before.

How actively, in your opinion, should a man be involved in solving his wife’s medical problems? After all, the stereotype is still alive: they say gynecology is an exclusively women's topic and there is no need to interfere there.


It is very strange when wives are immersed in their problems, when they try to hide something from their husbands all their lives. And this leads to even greater conflicts in the family, to even greater distrust between the partners. They drive themselves into a dead corner. You need to talk, you have to speak out, since families exist for such things. If the wife is scheduled for surgery, can she hide it from her husband? He is able to help her with his support, for example, during his presence at childbirth. The birth of a child is always a pain. And I think that at that moment a man should be close. I am always delighted when both a wife and a husband come together for an ultrasound screening. The participation of both partners in the birth of a child unites families. Men should understand this and take responsibility, but they are often afraid to do so.

Perhaps the most important thing for both a husband and a wife is to realize in time that it is not always a partner’s fault, but rather yours?


The time factor is definitely very important. You must schedule an appointment with a doctor immediately as soon as the problem arose. Unfortunately, many couples prefer to procrastinate and eventually they lose a year, two, five, ten years... I want to add that sometimes the elderly couples are addressing us, because they had lost a child. They share one big grief and we also have to help them morally, to tell them to stop living in the past, but rather in the future.

We use techniques that are helping a lot of people, but not all. Fortunately, our methods bring life to the best. And, by the way, I am not ashamed to say that a patient for his money receives a high-quality treatment with us.

What is the basis for a high level of quality in the network of clinics "Mother and Child"?

There are constant innovations in our clinic. I think that reproductive medicine in Ukraine is at the level of world standards. Very rarely does anyone from our country go abroad for treatment. There is nothing to do there. The prices are three times higher and the efficiency is the same or even lower. There were episodes when people went to Germany or Israel and then came back and received qualified help in our clinic.

You are both a Director General and a Practicing Physician at the same time. How do you manage to combine these two incarnations? What takes more time?

I am still a practicing doctor, but currently I don’t see that many patients that I used to when they were waiting for me at the door of my office around six o’clock in the morning. The private medical practice implies that doctors should adhere to a strict schedule. In addition, some issues can be entrusted to their colleagues, and they will cope with them just fine. At this point, I want to write a book on medical management. There will be sections on personnel, on marketing, on commerce, etc.

I graduated from the International Institute of Management. Not for a minute I have ever regretted it. I thought that I should not reinvent the wheel, but rather it was necessary for me to understand how others do it right. I have to admit that my entire undertaking had its own peculiarities. To build a clinic is not a pie to sell. It is necessary to have deep knowledge in order, firstly, not to harm the patient, and secondly, to help him. I got my Ph.D. in marketing in the field of reproductive medicine.

The choice of your profession was influenced by your principal, who said that the doctor always remains the doctor. Interestingly, did you yourself say anything like that to anyone? Do you have students?

If I possess some skills and teach someone, I find a lot of satisfaction in it. This is probably the next stage in the development of a medical specialist. Dr. Yuri Vdovichenko once said to me, "The medical profession is the ski track, embark on the road, and then to run or not will be already your business." I draw parallels with the bike: the instructor gets you on it, and afterward it depends on you how fast to pedal. As for the students, yes I do have them. Under my supervision, three people wrote their Ph.D. theses; last year one of my students was awarded with Pd.D. degree under my guidance. After all, I am a Doctor of Science, I have to be consistent with my status.

I am sure that patients have greater confidence in you when they find out that you are the mother of six children - three sons and three daughters. Do you have enough time to spend with them?

The family literally cannot exist if it is not getting a proper amount of attention and commitment. When I get back home after work in the evening, I always talk to everybody to make sure that no one was left behind. Picking up children from kindergarten are the happiest minutes of the relationship between parents and children. On the weekends we usually go somewhere with my children. I have to tell them something important, I have to teach them something every time we are together. All this, in addition to what my husband gives to them, what they receive at school where they went to as early as at 9-month old.  By the way, going to school at early age makes children sociable. They could not even stand on their feet firmly yet, but they were already drawing. The same was with language proficiency: it is important for them to speak English, as well as Ukrainian and Russian. In general, as a rule, I think that people should know at least five different languages.

What do you mean by “normal family”? What role should belong to the wife and what functions should the husband carry out?

I admire men. I always tell my sons that they must be the leaders, do everything to make sure that their families are secured and taken care of.  However, the truth is the woman is also a fully functional person that is capable of developing the same features and capacities. I know of course that it is not easy. After all, being able to cook borsch is also important for a woman.

In general, in our country people write a lot about how to be a mother, but they say little about how to be a wife. You need to constantly learn to deeply respect your partner, to help him when he needs your assistance, to support him when he is down. The issue of building healthy relationships should be raised from early childhood. Then, using the example of their parents, children understand what the model of a happy family is. Seeing this world with your own eyes is interesting, but seeing the world with my husband together is even more interesting. People must be on the same page, complement each other. When your significant other makes a remark concerning your actions or words, do not react aggressively, but rather accept the constructive criticism. This is the other side of our life when the your loved one tells you about your shortcomings. Start working on personal mistakes and eventually you will see how things begin to change to the better. To give and to receive is the true happiness.

Do you have any hobbies other than medicine?


Yes, it is traveling, I want to see the world with my own eyes. I am taking my children with me as often as possible. Interestingly, even during the holidays I get the assurance that you have to believe in yourself, that the impossible is possible. Once I lost my earring in the Blue Lagoon. I only knew the approximate location where I had lost it. I started searching the bottom of the sea randomly and after a while I accidently stumbled onto it. I was confident that I would find my earring, and most importantly, I wanted to find it.

I am always willing to tell this story to everyone, that proves - no matter how hard it is, you should never stop, you must always achieve your goal and then you will prevail.