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8 Different Types of Surrogacy to Know

8 Different Types of Surrogacy to Know

Surrogacy enables aspiring intended parents to have an experience and get the Gift unlike any other — their beautiful Miracle — 10 little fingers, 10 little toes, a couple of curls, and glittering eyes. And the surrogate mothers are gorgeous women who carry the Miracle and birth the Miracle with such grace and care. United together, they (hopeful intended parents and surrogate mothers) make the impossible — possible. The surrogate mothers commit up to one year to grow the new additions, and the intended parents are waiting for that special day when they can announce that they are sharing or have already shared the unique experience of having the baby through surrogacy. Then, at the end of this overwhelming journey, the intended parents come back home holding their newborn baby, and the surrogate mother comes back to her home feeling inspired and proud for giving this world a new life.

If you are an intended parent or a surrogate mother wondering about springing forward with surrogacy, before deciding or making the first step towards making your or a someone’s dream come true, hold on for a moment and explore the different types of surrogacy. It will give you more information on Ins and Outs and make it easier for you to prepare the blueprint of your surrogacy plan.

Genetic Link with a Baby: Gestational Vs. Traditional Surrogacy

When it comes to creating an embryo, there are two types of surrogacy to consider, which are traditional and gestational. To sum up, here is some essential information regarding these surrogacy types you should be aware of.

In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother shares DNA with the baby she will be carrying because her egg is used to create the embryo (either through in vitro fertilization or intrauterine insemination). In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate mother doesn’t transfer DNA to the baby before or during pregnancy because her egg is not used in embryo generation. Instead, gestational surrogacy involves using the intended mother’s egg and the intended father’s sperm or a donated egg or sperm. Gestational surrogate mothers usually conceive through IVF — they undergo only an embryo transfer procedure (unlike traditional surrogate mothers who have to undergo IUI or a full round of IVF, including controlled ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval procedure before the embryo will be transferred).

Decades ago, traditional surrogacy was the only possible type of surrogacy, and the surrogate mother was the baby’s biological mother. But this has changed, and now gestational surrogacy is the most common type the intended parents choose to make their families complete. In gestational surrogacy, both or at least one intended parent transfer DNA to the baby, which is essential for eliminating any potential legal disputes over custody. And one more essential thing only gestational surrogacy has: if both intended mother and father provide their egg and sperm for making an IVF embryo, each of them feels more involved in the process and more connected to the baby, understanding that this tiny bundle will be a part of them. Most couples and single parents wish to use their own gametes in surrogacy, saying that they even cannot describe their feelings and love they have for their future beautiful Miracle.

Wondering which surrogacy type is best for you? While consulting with a surrogacy professional is advisable, here are some factors that may influence a person’s decision to choose traditional or gestational surrogacy:

Gestational Surrogacy Pros: 

  • Intended parents and surrogate mothers who want a less legally complicated surrogacy process will want to choose gestational surrogacy as it is often less complex than other forms of surrogacy.
  • Unlike traditional surrogacy, where the surrogate mother is the biological mother of the child, the gestational surrogate mother doesn’t have the genetic link with the baby she is carrying, thus, has no parental rights to take custody of a child after they are born.
  • Gestational surrogacy allows both the intended mother and father or at least one parent to have a genetic relation to the child, simplifying custody issues. 
  • Intended parents who have remaining embryos from past IVF treatments can opt for shipping services and use those in gestational surrogacy.
  • Intended parents who have vitrified unfertilized oocytes, cryopreserved sperm, ovarian or testicular tissue can ship their genetic material and use it in embryo generation eliminating ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, and sperm collection, which are involved in a full IVF cycle. 

Traditional Surrogacy Pros:

  • For intended parents who don’t want an anonymous egg donor, cannot find an egg donor they like, have a limited surrogacy budget, or are looking to reduce the cost of their surrogacy, traditional surrogacy may be a great option.
  • If the surrogate mother is the relative of the intended parent, traditional surrogacy can provide a unique genetic link that would not have been possible with a donated egg. 

Payment for Surrogate Mother: Altruistic Vs. Commercial Surrogacy

The compensation offered to the surrogate mother for her time, commitment, and efforts can also be a determining factor in the various types of surrogacy arrangements available.

If the surrogate mother completes an altruistic surrogacy, she doesn’t receive a base compensation beyond reimbursement for pregnancy–related expenses. Unlike altruistic surrogacy, completing commercial surrogacy means that the surrogate mother will receive a base compensation beyond reimbursement for pregnancy–related expenses. 

Trying to choose between these two surrogacy options? Here are some factors that might be relevant to your particular circumstances:

When to Consider Altruistic Surrogacy? 

  • Intended parents who have a relative or a friend volunteering to carry a surrogacy pregnancy because of the bond and love between her and intended parents will prefer this type of surrogacy. 
  • Intended parents wishing to reduce the total cost of the surrogacy process will want to opt for altruistic surrogacy.
  • Aspiring singles and couples with a small surrogacy budget that can cover only medical expenses and surrogacy lawyer’s services will seek an altruistic surrogate mother.

When to Consider Commercial Surrogacy? 

  • Intended parents who feel anxious and uncomfortable asking a family member or a friend to become their surrogate mother will feel more comfortable with commercial surrogacy as it eliminates many feelings and thoughts that they could never pay back for getting the Gift unlike any other — holding their small bundle of joy. 
  • Prospective intended parents and prospective surrogate mothers who don’t know each other before the matching process may wish to have a commercial surrogacy as it protects both parties’ preferences, interests, and rights in the surrogacy process.

Location: International Vs. Domestic Surrogacy

Although surrogacy is illegal in many countries, there are still surrogacy–friendly destinations for the intended parents seeking surrogacy services. Depending on where the intended parents live, they may have the choice between two types of surrogacy: international and domestic. 

International Surrogacy Is A Right Choice for:

  • Intended parents who live in a country that bans or restricts surrogacy arrangements. 
  • Surrogate mothers who would like to carry a baby for international intended parents and would like to be compensated for their commitment and surrogacy services higher than in the country where they reside. 

Domestic Surrogacy Is A Right Choice:

  • For intended parents who live in a country that allows surrogacy and has legislation on the surrogacy process protecting all parties involved wishing to save money instead of spending on apostilling, authentication, and legalization documents to be presented abroad, traveling to the other country, booking accommodation, making follow–up trips to complete the process, and so on.
  • For intended parents and surrogate mothers who want to be more involved and stay in contact during surrogacy.


Surrogacy with an Agency vs. Independent Surrogacy: What Is the Difference?

One more essential factor to consider when deciding between the different types of surrogacy is which professional to choose to help you complete the surrogacy process — if you work with a professional. In general, there are two types of surrogacy arrangements when collaborating with a professional: agency surrogacy and independent surrogacy.

Working with a surrogacy agency that may provide any or all surrogacy services (full–service surrogacy agency), including matching with intended parents, screening, multilingual support, case management, pregnancy care, counseling, legal and more, — makes the surrogacy process simpler and secure, as surrogacy professionals provide almost every service needed to complete a surrogacy — from the initial screening and matching to receiving the baby’s Birth Certificate and travel documents.

Choosing an independent surrogacy (surrogacy arrangement where the intended parents hire a surrogate mother) and working with a surrogacy lawyer involves self–management of the surrogacy process and coordination of services between their lawyer and fertility clinic by the intended parents and the surrogate mother. 

In Which Cases to Choose Working With Surrogacy Agency? 

  • If the prospective intended parents and prospective surrogate mothers have not found each other yet, working with a surrogacy agency enables both parties to find a perfect match. 
  • If the intended parents and surrogate mothers would like their surrogacy process to be organized and managed professionally, working with a surrogacy professional will enable everyone involved in surrogacy to concentrate on the journey instead of coordinating everything between each other, and the other things will be done by the surrogacy agency. 

In Which Cases to Choose Independent Surrogacy? 

  • If the intended parents work with a surrogate mother they know (a family member or a friend), they may need only a lawyer and fertility clinic to complete the process.
  • For the intended parents with a limited budget, an independent surrogacy can be a great way to save money for the baby instead of paying a surrogacy agency for mediation services.


Wrapping Things Up

Deciding which type of surrogacy is right for you may not be so easy, but whatever type you choose — the surrogacy journey will be tailored to your unique circumstances; for example, as an intended parent, you can choose surrogacy type, surrogacy specialist to work with, hire two surrogate mothers instead of one to complete the surrogacy with two newborns, delay the start of the surrogacy program, or relocate for a while to the surrogacy destination for being with your surrogate mother. And as a surrogate mother, you can choose the type of surrogacy, the intended parents you would like to help, the surrogacy location, and add your preferences to the surrogacy plan. If you need more time or have questions, kindly consider talking to a surrogacy professional to help you choose the type of surrogacy that will work for you. 

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