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IVF Extra Fees in Czechia, Pronatal

IVF Extra Fees in Czechia, Pronatal

Ultra–flexible and multi–modulative extras designed for each IVF Bundle. Seamlessly attachable and detachable modes. Can be easily added or removed when necessary. Explore which pack is right for you. Starting at 35.00 EUR per cycle.

1. ‘Where can I pre–order or book the IVF pack?’

Located in Prague, Bubeneč, Karlovy Vary, Kolin, and Teplice, Czechia, Pronatal IVF Center has been successfully providing multiple options for IVF Treatment for 20+ years. Pronatal IVF Center specializes in performing Gynecology & Mammalogy, Urology & Andrology, Pregnancy Planning & Care, Procedures & Manipulations, Laboratory Tests & Genetic Analysis, Infertility Screening & Treatment, Surgical Treatment, MESA & TESE, Ovulation Induction (OI) cycles, IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) cycles, IVF, ICSI & PICSI cycles, Oocyte & Sperm Donation, Egg & Sperm Cryopreservation and Storage, Embryo Vitrification & Storage, Legal Support & Assistance. 

Explore all ‘core’ in–Bundle and out–Bundle configurations designed for IVF Programs. 

2. Extras that can be involved in the IVF cycle. 

2.1. Consultations’ fees: 

  • Infertility Treatment consultation — 100.00 EUR.
  • Infertility Treatment consultation with the Fertility Pro selected by the Patient (extra fee) — 100.00 EUR.
  • Consultation with Geneticist (in–office, by phone/skype — 30 min.) — 50.00 EUR. 
  • Consultation with Geneticist (in–office, by phone/skype — 60 min.) — 100.00 EUR. 
  • Consultation with Gynecologist (in–office, by phone/skype — 30 min.) — 50.00 EUR. 
  • Consultation with Gynecologist (in–office, by phone/skype — 60 min.) — 100.00 EUR. 
  • Consultation with Urologist (in–office, by phone/skype — 30 min.) — 50.00 EUR. 
  • Consultation with Urologist (in–office, by phone/skype — 60 min.) — 100.00 EUR. 
  • Prep. and printing the summary from the medical records (including translation) on the Patient’s demand — 50.00 EUR.
  • Scheduling of an optimal Stimulation Protocol (IVF–COS Protocol’s timeframing ‘architecture’) — 50.00 EUR.


2.2. Diagnostic tests’ fees: 

  • STD Profile (one test) — 80.00 EUR. 
  • Verification of the previous STD test’s results — 90.00 EUR.
  • Extra fee for confirmation (confirmation of STD ‘reactive’ (false–positive result). A ‘positive’ result may be a false positive. The confirmation of the false–positive result indicates that the test has reacted to something in your blood and this should be investigated further. — 90.00 EUR.
  • AMH (Anti–Müllerian Hormone) test — 40.00 EUR.
  • Hormonal profile — 45.00 EUR.
  • Thyroid hormones — 45.00 EUR.
  • Ultrasound scan — 50.00 EUR. 
  • Tubal patency test — HyCoSy (Hysterosalpingo–Contrast Sonography) — 100.00 EUR. 


2.3. Andrology fees: 

  • Andrological Screening — 125.00 EUR. 
  • Complete Semen Analysis and Mar Test (mixed agglutination reaction) with results’ interpretation — 100.00 EUR. 
  • Complete Semen Analysis with results’ interpretation — 60.00 EUR. 
  • Mar Test (mixed agglutination reaction) with results’ interpretation — 40.00 EUR. 
  • Immunohistochemical analysis of tissues and ejaculate — 150.00 EUR. 
  • Sperm–Hyaluronan Binding Assay (HBA test) — 120.00 EUR.  Sperm–Hyaluronan Binding Assay is a diagnostic tool with dual Hyaluronan coated chambers for sperm sample evaluation. It is designed to provide a qualitative assessment of sperm quality, maturity, and fertilizing potential allowing to distinguish between mature sperm that express Hyaluronan receptors and those that don’t (immature sperm). 
  • Donor sperm sample — 200.00 EUR. 
  • MESA/TESE (first appointment (initial pre–MESA/TESE consultation), STD test(s), and PESA/TESE Sperm Retrieval 

Bundle’s cost starts at 1,000.00 EUR per cycle. 

‘What is in the Bundle?’

  • 1 ultimate MESA/TESE cycle.
  • First appointment (initial pre–PESA/TESE consultation).
  • STD test(s).
  • PESA/TESE Sperm Retrieval.


‘What is not in the Bundle?’

  • Anesthesia for PESA/TESE.
  • Staying at the post–anesthesia care unit equipped for meeting postoperative emergencies.


2.4. IUI Treatment fees: 

IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) using the partner’s sperm.

  • Pack #1: ‘Single–cycled IUI (non–medicated/medicated): 1 nonmedicated follicle development cycle with its noninvasive clinical monitoring (appointments, ultrasound scans, blood tests are not covered by the basic Bundle’s fee and charged as extra fees) / 1 COS (medicated follicle development) cycle with its noninvasive clinical monitoring (appointments, ultrasound scans, blood tests are not covered by the basic Bundle’s fee and charged as extra fees), 1 Sperm Collection and prep. for being used in IUI cycle, and 1 IUI Procedure using partner’s sperm 

Bundle’s cost starts at 400.00 EUR per cycle. 


‘What is in the Bundle?’

  • 1 ultimate IUI cycle using the partner’s sperm.
  • first appointment (initial consultation) with the Fertility Specialist including medical history review and pelvic exam.
  • 1 nonmedicated follicle development cycle with its noninvasive clinical monitoring (appointments, ultrasound scans, blood tests are not covered by the basic Bundle’s fee and charged as extra fees) or 1 COS (medicated follicle development) cycle with its noninvasive clinical monitoring (appointments, ultrasound scans, blood tests are not covered by the basic Bundle’s fee and charged as extra fees), 
  • Semen Analysis.
  • 1 Sperm Collection and prep. for being used in the IUI cycle.
  • 1 IUI procedure using the partner’s sperm.


‘What is not in the Bundle?’

  • Medication for COS (Controlled Ovarian Stimulation cycle).


2.5. Frozen Embryo Transfer using the vitrified embryo(s) left after the previous IVF or Surrogacy cycles.

  • Pack #1: ‘Single–cycled FET with 1 Devitrification cycle (the vitrified embryo or embryonic cohort will be devitrified and prep. for the transfer), 1 endometrial lining prep. cycle, and 1 ET using the Embryo Transfer media’ 

Bundle’s cost starts at 550.00 EUR per cycle. 


‘What is in the Bundle?’

  • 1 ultimate FET cycle using own vitrified embryos.
  • first appointment (initial consultation) with the Fertility Specialist including medical history review and pelvic exam.
  • 1 Devitrification cycle designed and powered up for thawing the embryo(s) or embryonic cohort.
  • 1 endometrial lining prep. cycle (appointments, ultrasound scans, lab. tests) designed and powered up for the Recipient.
  • 1 Embryo Transfer using the devitrified embryo(s) plus Embryo Transfer media.


‘What is not in the Bundle?’

  • Medication for endometrial lining prep. cycle. 
  • 1 Assisted Hatching cycle for the embryos with low hatching potency.
  • EmbryoGlue for boosting the embryo implantation potency (Hyaluronic Acid (HA)–enriched Embryo Transfer medium).


2.6. Micromanipulative ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) and PICSI (Physiologic Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) fertilization. 

  • ICSI powered up for a single oocyte — 150.00 EUR.
  • ICSI powered up for the oocyte cohort (fertilization for up to 10 oocytes) — 350.00 EUR.
  • ICSI powered up for the 11th oocyte and beyond — 35.00 EUR.
  • PICSI powered up for a single oocyte — 250.00 EUR.
  • PICSI powered up for the oocyte cohort (fertilization for up to 10 oocytes) — 500.00 EUR.
  • PICSI powered up for the 11th oocyte and beyond — 50.00 EUR.


2.7. Extra manipulations and their fees:

  • Post–fertilization prolonged Embryo Cultivation cycle (until the blastocyst stage) for the whole embryonic cohort generated through ICSI using the Time–Lapse incubator with integrated embryo monitoring system with continuous time–lapse imaging to capture critical developmental stages without causing potential stress to the embryos — 300.00 EUR. 
  • Assisted Hatching for the embryos with low hatching potency (unlimited no. of embryos) — 200.00 EUR.
  • Prolonged cultivation of embryos (over 48 hours) — 300.00 EUR. 
  • EmbryoGlue for boosting the Embryo Implantation potency (Hyaluronic Acid (HA)–enriched Embryo Transfer medium) — 200.00 EUR. 
  • EmbryoGen®: a culture medium supporting Embryo Implantation — 200.00 EUR. 
  • Microfluidic Sperm Sorting — 250.00 EUR. 


2.8. Cryopreservation of cells, tissues, and embryos and their fees: 

  • Cryopreservation of sperm (slow freezing) without storage — 220.00 EUR.
  • Vitrification of oocytes max. 2 straws (storage is not included) — 350.00 EUR. 
  • Cryopreservation of embryos (slow freezing) without storage — 220.00 EUR.
  • Vitrification of embryos max. 2 straws — 1 embryo in each (storage is not included) — 350.00 EUR. 
  • Cryopreservation of tissue (storage is not included) — 350.00 EUR.
  • Vitrification of each additional straw (added to cryopreservation) — 100.00 EUR. 
  • Storage of cryopreserved cells, tissues, and embryos for each year — 150.00 EUR.
  • Storage of cryopreserved cells, tissues, and embryos for each year (of the Patient with positive STD tests or without STD tests) — 200.00 EUR. 
  • Re–Cryopreservation of cells, tissues, and embryos (included cryopreservation of 1 straw, storage is not included) — 350.00 EUR.
  • Administration fee paid for export of samples from Pronatal — 100.00 EUR. 


2.9. Endometrial biopsy (REPROgnostics test) fees: 

An endometrial biopsy (removing a small piece of tissue from the lining of the uterus (the endometrium)) for further examination under a microscope is used to screen for abnormal cells in the uterus

  • REPROgnostics test (1 marker) — 245.00 EUR.
  • REPROgnostics test (2 markers) — 345.00 EUR.
  • REPROgnostics test (3 markers) — 440.00 EUR.


2.10 Surgical Procedures’ fees:

  • Anesthesia and staying at post–anesthesia care unit equipped for meeting postoperative emergencies — 100.00 EUR.  
  • Transvaginal Hydrolaparoscopy (THL): pre–THL consultation, anesthesia for THL, transvaginal Hydrolaparoscopy, staying at post–anesthesia care unit equipped for meeting postoperative emergencies Bundle’s cost starts at 350.00 EUR per THL. Transvaginal Hydrolaparoscopy (THL) is used in the diagnostic workup of infertility. It allows for direct visualization of the tubal mucosa in addition to determining tubal patency. In addition to diagnostic purposes, transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy may be used for operative intervention including endometriosis ablation and ovarian drilling.

‘What is in the Bundle?’ 

  • first appointment (initial pre–THL consultation).
  • 1 ultrasound–guided Transvaginal Hydrolaparoscopy with anesthesia designed and powered up for the Patient.
  • Staying at the post–anesthesia care unit equipped for meeting postoperative emergencies.

Multifetal pregnancy reduction/ transvaginal Embryo Reduction (reducing the total number of fetuses in a multifetal pregnancy) including pre–Embryo Reduction consultation, anesthesia for Embryo Reduction, transvaginal Embryo Reduction with aspiration of embryo tissues, staying at the post–anesthesia care unit equipped for meeting postoperative emergencies, and medication: antibiotics Bundle’s cost starts at 350.00 EUR per procedure. 


‘What is in the Bundle?’ 

  • first appointment (initial pre–Embryo Reduction consultation).
  • 1 ultrasound–guided transvaginal Embryo Reduction with anesthesia designed and powered up for the Patient.
  • medication: antibiotics. 
  • Staying at the post–anesthesia care unit equipped for meeting postoperative emergencies.


Ovarian cyst aspiration (ovarian cyst puncture): pre–aspiration consultation, ultrasound–guided ovarian cyst aspiration under anesthesia (anesthesia is not covered by the basic Bundle’s fee, thus, is charged as an extra fee), and staying at post–anesthesia care unit equipped for meeting postoperative emergencies Bundle’s cost starts at 150.00 EUR per procedure. 


‘What is in the Bundle?’ 

  • First appointment (initial pre–aspiration consultation).
  • 1 ultrasound–guided ovarian cyst aspiration cycle with anesthesia (anesthesia is not included) designed and powered up for the Patient.
  • Staying at post–anesthesia care unit equipped for meeting postoperative emergencies.


‘What is not in the Bundle?’

  • anesthesia is charged as an extra fee. 

2.11. Endometrium receptivity array (ERA) diagnostic test: 

The Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA) test/ endometrial biopsy is the diagnostic tool used for personalized Embryo Transfer Protocol’s preconfiguring and modeling in patients with repeated implantation failure. Routinely, the ERA is performed during the mock Embryo Transfer cycle on day 5 in a medicated cycle or day 6–7 in a natural cycle. It determines each woman’s unique personalized Embryo Transfer timing, therefore synchronizing the actual Embryo Transfer with the individualized window of implantation (the best timeframe for ET). 

  • Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA) test/ endometrial biopsy (first sample): interview (first appointment (initial pre–ERA consultation), endometrial sampling pipeline: ERA sampling kit with an endometrial pipette (endometrial sampling suction curette), ERA endometrial biopsy/ endometrial tissue samples (endometrial sampling is a biopsy of the uterine lining usually done in the office without anesthesia), sending the biopsy sample to the lab for further analysis, endometrial lining sample, generation of the medical record with ERA results, post–ERA consultation regarding the obtained endometrial biopsy results (endometrial status), and personalized Embryo Transfer Protocol preconfiguration (the most optimal timeframe for performing the ET is guided by ERA results) Bundle’s cost starts at 1,100.00 EUR. 
  • Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA) test/ endometrial biopsy (second sample): the second ERA is performed in case of the first sampling results indicated ‘pre–receptive’ or ‘post–receptive’ endometrial status (the same Bundle is preconfigured as for the first ERA test) — 900.00 EUR.
  • Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA) test/ endometrial biopsy (third sample): the third ERA is performed in case of the second sampling results indicated ‘pre–receptive’ or ‘post–receptive’ endometrial status (the same Bundle is preconfigured as for the first ERA test) — 700.00 EUR.


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