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IVF with Tandem Oocyte Cycle and Partner’s Sperm Cost in Slovakia

IVF with Tandem Oocyte Cycle and Partner’s Sperm Cost in Slovakia

Transform your IVF with own oocytes and sperm pack or IVF with Egg Donation pack in IVF with a Tandem Oocyte cycle pack that has Pro configurations and is powerful enough to transform the reality. The dual performance and the dual power easy to bring along upgrading your cycle to the next Pro level. Empowerment of the Tandem Oocyte Protocol in an ultra–fast mode is done just at one touch the Fertility Pro after in–person discussion with you. Feel the Magic of the Tandem Oocyte cycle pack that now features the new dual–preconfigured flexible Protocol, the vast range of extra configurations that can be attached or detached when necessary, plus the ability to drag and drop the configurations that are already integrated in the Protocol adds tons of capacities for the Fertility Pros making it possible to transform or redesign the Treatment cycle in any way when necessary. The Protocol’s flexible structure with reconfigurable ‘cores’ delivers a responsive, comfortable, and quiet Treatment experience. Introducing you GYN — FIV a.s., Centre for Gynecology and Assisted Reproduction and its ‘Tandem Oocyte cycle’ packs: from miniPro to ProPlus — the most extensive packs’ Pro lineup ever in IVF with Tandem Oocyte cycle. 

1. GYN — FIV a.s., Centre for Gynecology and Assisted Reproduction (Bratislava, Slovakia)

Age limitations: the age of 50 years at the latest is the upper age limit for undergoing Embryo Transfer at GYN — FIV a.s. clinic. 


‘Tandem Oocyte cycle’ (own oocytes + the donor’s oocytes) fertilized with the partner’s fresh or frozen sperm packs:

Fresh ‘Tandem Oocyte cycle’ + fresh or frozen partner’s or husband’s sperm:

DualMini pack #1: own oocytes + donor’s oocytes + fertilization with fresh or devitrified partner’s/husband’s sperm: the Dual Protocol is preconfigured in the following way: Pack #1 ‘DualMini’: IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm + Pack #1 ‘DualMini’: IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’. The total cost for empowering this Treatment Protocol is 6,845.00 EUR for the Dual Oocyte cycle.

Pack #1 ‘IVF–ICSI with Tandem Oocyte cycle and sperm DualMini pack: IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm plus IVF–ICSI with the donor’s oocytes and sperm’: 

IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm 

  • one Controlled Ovarian Stimulation cycle + 
  • Sperm Devitrification and preparation cycle (or Sperm Collection and preparation cycle) + 
  • ICSI, IMSI, PICSI trial with the partner’s/husband’s frozen (fresh) sperm and own fresh oocytes + 
  • prolonged Embryo Cultivation (inclusive monitoring of the embryo’s (embryos’) development until the blastocyst stage) + 
  • one Embryo Transfer trial 

pack’s cost starts at 2,295.00 EUR. 


Egg Donation pack: ‘DualMini IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’ pack is easily synchronized with IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm pack: 

  • one ultimate Oocyte Donation cycle + 
  • one Sperm Collection and preparation cycle (or Sperm Devitrification and preparation for ICSI, IMSI, PICSI) + 
  • one ICSI, IMSI, PICSI trial with the donor’s oocytes and the partner’s/husband’s fresh or frozen sperm + 
  • embryo development monitoring in EmbryoScope™ + 
  • one fresh Embryo Transfer trial 

pack’s cost starts at 4,550.00 EUR = 6,845.00 EUR for the Dual Oocyte cycle.


DualMiniPlus pack #2: own oocytes + donor’s oocytes + fertilization with fresh or devitrified partner’s/husband’s sperm: the Dual Protocol is preconfigured in the following way: Pack #2 ‘DualMiniPlus’: IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm + Pack #1 ‘DualMini’: IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’. The total cost for empowering this Treatment Protocol is 7,145.00 EUR for the Dual Oocyte cycle.

Pack #2 ‘IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm DualMiniPlus plus IVF–ICSI with the donor’s oocytes and sperm’: 

IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm 

  • one Controlled Ovarian Stimulation cycle + 
  • Sperm Devitrification and preparation cycle (or Sperm Collection and preparation cycle) + 
  • one Oocyte Retrieval trial + 
  • one ICSI, IMSI, PICSI trial with the partner’s/husband’s frozen (fresh) sperm and own fresh oocytes + 
  • prolonged Embryo Cultivation (inclusive monitoring of the embryo’s (embryos’) development until the blastocyst stage) + 
  • Zonal Assisted Hatching for the embryos with low hatching potency + 
  • EmbryoGlue + 
  • one Embryo Transfer trial 

pack’s cost starts at 2,595.00 EUR. 

This miniPro Protocol can be called completed when the second Protocol IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm will be attached and empowered by the Fertility Pros. 


Egg Donation pack: ‘DualMini IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’: 

  • one ultimate Oocyte Donation cycle + 
  • one Sperm Collection and preparation cycle (or Sperm Devitrification and preparation for ICSI, IMSI, PICSI) + 
  • one ICSI, IMSI, PICSI trial with the donor’s oocytes and the partner’s/husband’s fresh or frozen sperm + 
  • embryo development monitoring in EmbryoScope™ + 
  • one fresh Embryo Transfer trial 

pack’s cost starts at 4,550.00 EUR = 7,145.00 EUR for the Dual Oocyte cycle.

DualMiniPro pack #3: own oocytes + donor’s oocytes + fertilization with fresh or devitrified partner’s/husband’s sperm: the Dual Protocol is preconfigured in the following way: Pack #3 ‘DualMiniPro’: IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm + Pack #1 ‘DualMini’: IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’. The total cost for empowering this Treatment Protocol is 7,545.00 EUR for the dual Oocyte cycle.

Pack #3 ‘IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm DualMiniPro configured with IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’: 

IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm 

  • one Controlled Ovarian stimulation cycle + 
  • Sperm Devitrification and preparation cycle (or Sperm Collection and preparation cycle) + 
  • one Oocyte Retrieval trial + 
  • Oocyte Activation + 
  • MSS (Microfluidic Sperm Sorting) + 
  • ICSI, IMSI, PICSI trial with the partner’s/husband’s frozen (fresh) sperm and own fresh oocytes + 
  • prolonged Embryo Cultivation (inclusive monitoring of the embryo’s (embryos’) development until the blastocyst stage) + 
  • Zonal Assisted Hatching for the embryos with low hatching potency + 
  • EmbryoGlue + 
  • one Embryo Transfer trial 

pack’s cost starts at 2,995.00 EUR. 


Egg Donation pack: ‘DualMini IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’: 

  • one ultimate Oocyte Donation cycle + 
  • one Sperm Collection and preparation cycle (or Sperm Devitrification and preparation for ICSI, IMSI, PICSI) + 
  • one ICSI, IMSI, PICSI trial with the donor’s oocytes and the partner’s/husband’s fresh or frozen sperm + 
  • embryo development monitoring in EmbryoScope™ + 
  • one fresh Embryo Transfer trial 

pack’s cost starts at 4,550.00 EUR = 7,545.00 EUR for the Dual Oocyte cycle.


DualMiniProPlus pack #4: own oocytes + donor’s oocytes + fertilization with fresh or devitrified partner’s/husband’s sperm: the Dual Protocol is preconfigured in the following way: Pack #4 ‘DualMiniProPlus’: IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm + Pack #1 ‘DualMini’: IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’. The total cost for empowering this Treatment Protocol is 7,645.00 EUR for the Dual Oocyte cycle.

Pack #4 ‘IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm DualMiniProPlus configured with IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’: 

IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm 

  • one Controlled Ovarian Stimulation cycle + 
  • Sperm Devitrification and preparation cycle (or Sperm Collection and preparation cycle) + 
  • one Oocyte Retrieval trial + 
  • IVM (In Vitro Maturation for the oocytes that are not mature) + 
  • ICSI, IMSI, PICSI trial with the partner’s/husband’s frozen (fresh) sperm and own fresh oocytes + 
  • prolonged Embryo Cultivation (inclusive monitoring of the embryo’s (embryos’) development until the blastocyst stage) + 
  • Zonal Assisted Hatching for the embryos with low hatching potency + 
  • EmbryoGlue + 
  • one Embryo Transfer trial

pack’s cost starts at 3,095.00 EUR. 


Egg Donation pack: ‘DualMini IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’: 

  • one ultimate Oocyte Donation cycle + 
  • one Sperm Collection and preparation cycle (or Sperm Devitrification and preparation for ICSI, IMSI, PICSI) + 
  • one ICSI, IMSI, PICSI trial with the donor’s oocytes and the partner’s/husband’s sperm + 
  • embryo development monitoring in EmbryoScope™ + 
  • one fresh Embryo Transfer trial 

pack’s cost starts at 4,550.00 EUR = 7,645.00 EUR for the Dual Oocyte cycle.


DualPro pack #5: own oocytes + donor’s oocytes + fertilization with fresh or devitrified partner’s/husband’s sperm: the Dual Protocol is preconfigured in the following way: Pack #5 ‘DualPro’: IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm + Pack #1 ‘DualMini’: IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’. The total cost for empowering this Treatment Protocol is 7,795.00 EUR for the Dual Oocyte cycle.

Pack #5 ‘IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm DualPro configured with IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’: 

IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm 

  • one Controlled Ovarian Stimulation cycle + 
  • Sperm Devitrification and preparation cycle (or Sperm Collection and preparation cycle) + 
  • one Oocyte Retrieval trial + 
  • IVM (In Vitro Maturation for the oocytes that are not mature) + 
  • Oocyte Activation + 
  • ICSI, IMSI, PICSI trial with the partner’s/husband’s frozen (fresh) sperm and own fresh oocytes + 
  • prolonged Embryo Cultivation (inclusive monitoring of the embryo’s (embryos’) development until the blastocyst stage) + 
  • Zonal Assisted Hatching for the embryos with low hatching potency + 
  • EmbryoGlue + 
  • one Embryo Transfer trial 

pack’s cost starts at 3,245.00 EUR. 


Egg Donation pack: ‘DualMini IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’: 

  • one ultimate Oocyte Donation cycle + 
  • one Sperm Collection and preparation cycle (or Sperm Devitrification and preparation for ICSI, IMSI, PICSI) + 
  • one ICSI, IMSI, PICSI trial with the donor’s oocytes and the partner’s/husband’s sperm + 
  • embryo development monitoring in EmbryoScope™ + 
  • one fresh Embryo Transfer trial 

pack’s cost starts at 4,550.00 EUR = 7,795.00 EUR for the Dual Oocyte cycle.


DualProPlus pack #6: own oocytes + donor’s oocytes + fertilization with fresh or devitrified partner’s/husband’s sperm: the Dual Protocol is preconfigured in the following way: Pack #6‘DualProPlus’: IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm + Pack #1 ‘DualMini’: IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’. The total cost for empowering this Treatment Protocol is 8,045.00 EUR for the Dual Oocyte cycle.

Pack #6 ‘IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm DualProPlus configured with IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’: 

IVF–ICSI with own oocytes and sperm 

  • one Controlled Ovarian Stimulation cycle + 
  • Sperm Devitrification and preparation cycle (or Sperm Collection and preparation cycle) + 
  • one Oocyte Retrieval trial + 
  • IVM (In Vitro Maturation for the oocytes that are not mature) + 
  • Oocyte Activation + 
  • MSS (Microfluidic Sperm Sorting) + 
  • ICSI, IMSI, PICSI trial with the partner’s/husband’s frozen (fresh) sperm and own fresh oocytes + 
  • prolonged Embryo Cultivation (inclusive monitoring of the embryo’s (embryos’) development until the blastocyst stage) + 
  • Zonal Assisted Hatching for the embryos with low hatching potency + 
  • EmbryoGlue + 
  • one Embryo Transfer trial 

pack’s cost starts at 3,495.00 EUR. 

Egg Donation pack: ‘DualMini IVF–ICSI with Egg Donation and own sperm’: 

  • one ultimate Oocyte Donation cycle + 
  • one Sperm Collection and preparation cycle (or Sperm Devitrification and preparation for ICSI, IMSI, PICSI) + 
  • one ICSI, IMSI, PICSI trial with the donor’s oocytes and the partner’s/husband’s sperm + 
  • embryo development monitoring in EmbryoScope™ + 
  • one fresh Embryo Transfer trial 

pack’s cost starts at 4,550.00 EUR = 8,045.00 EUR for the Dual Oocyte cycle.


Payment Schedule due upon the following process milestones: 

100% — upon signing the contract (payment should be done before each Treatment cycle is started). Payment methods: Bank Drafts, Wire Transfer, Cash, Visa /MasterCard. All prices are subject to change. 


Something to add?

Myriad configurations created for boosting your chance to conceive. One immersive and ultimate Treatment experience. Performance is easy to bring along. Empowering two different Protocols has never been easier: just one touch and you are done. Introducing you the IVF with Tandem Oocyte cycle Pro lineup ever. 

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