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Surrogacy Using Own Oocytes & the Partner’s Sperm Cost in Ukraine, Militta IVF Agency

Surrogacy Using Own Oocytes & the Partner’s Sperm Cost in Ukraine, Militta IVF Agency

2 single–cycled Surrogacy Bundles designed for couples wishing to use their own gametes (oocytes and sperm) in Embryo Generation session. Featuring 1 ultimate IVF cycle (COS cycle powered up for the intended mother, Oocyte Retrieval, Sperm Collection and prep., Embryo Generation session via convenient fertilization 

  • IVF 
  • ICSI (PICSI, IMSI, MACS, Fertile Chip, SpermMobil 

Micromanipulative versatile fertilization techniques for powering up the Embryo Generation session, prolonged cultivation of embryonic cohort, Assisted Hatching session, PGS, pre–transfer portfolio for each screened embryo), and 1 ultimate Surrogacy cycle (selection of the Gestational Carrier, Gestational Carrier’s Diagnostic Screening, endometrial lining prep., Embryo Transfer, post–transfer clinical management, early pregnancy tests and ultrasound scans, routine pregnancy monitoring, and natural delivery). An ultimate Surrogacy Protocol made for this cycle, down to its core. Single–cycled Surrogacy Protocol is engineered to take full advantage of all the capability and power of the Surrogacy Program — making everything you love about surrogacy faster, better, and more seamless, and more secure. It’s the most powerful and popular Surrogacy Program ever, running on the most advanced Treatment Protocol yet. Discover all features and explore which pack is right for you. Starting at 38,500.00 EUR per cycle.

Specify the Bundle: Surrogacy using own oocytes and the partner’s sperm (1 IVF cycle using own oocytes and the partner’s sperm is included (Embryo Generation session using the couple’s gametes) Program C (MC/Adonis clinic).


Pack no. 1: ‘Single–cycled Surrogacy Program C (MC/Adonis clinic)’ using own oocytes and the partner’s sperm: 

  1. Online personal session with International IVF & Surrogacy Case Manager (scheduling a fee–free virtual session with an International Patient Coordinator or Fertility Specialist for covering the Surrogacy Program questions around what you want to explore and get answers to any questions you may have); 
  2. Initial consultation; 
  3. Surrogate mother selection; 
  4. COS cycle powered up for the Intended Mother; 
  5. Endometrial prep. cycle powered up for the surrogate mother; 
  6. Ultrasound–guided Oocyte Retrieval (1 cycle); 
  7. ICSI– (IMSI–, PICSI–) Embryo Generation session (1 cycle); 
  8. prolonged cultivation; 
  9. PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening)/PGT–A (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for aneuploidies) cycles (formerly Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS)) powered up for screening 5 pairs of chromosomes in up to 8 embryos;
  10. Selection of the top–quality embryo(s) suitable for the ET and Embryo Transfer cycle using one or two perfect–quality embryo(s) 

Bundle’s cost starts at 43,000.00 EUR (€).


Single–cycled Surrogacy using own oocytes and the partner’s sperm program C (available in MC/Adonis clinic) features

  • 1 IVF cycle using own oocytes and the partner’s sperm with 1 embryonic cohort generation session
  • PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening)/PGT–A (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for aneuploidies) cycles designed for each embryonic cohort (up to 8 embryos from each embryonic cohort generated through a single ICSI (IMSI–, PICSI–) Embryo Generation session can be screened fee–free)
  • 1 Embryo Transfer trial using one or two embryos
  • 1 Surrogacy cycle 


Surrogacy Program ‘C’ Payment Timelines: 

  • 1st payment is done on the day of the Surrogacy Contract signing –– 13,500.00 EUR (€). 
  • 2nd payment is done after ICSI– (IMSI–, PICSI–) Embryo Generation session –– 8,400.00 EUR (€).
  • 3rd payment is done in the third month of the surrogate mom’s pregnancy (12 weeks pregnant) –– 7,200.00 EUR (€).
  • 4th payment is done between the sixth and seventh month of the surrogate mom’s pregnancy (26 weeks pregnant) –– 6,700.00 EUR (€).
  • 5th payment is done on the third day after the surrogate newborn was born –– 7,200.00 EUR (€).

Total cost: 43,000.00 EUR (€).


Additional Services:

  • Second IVF cycle using own oocytes (COS cycle, ultrasound–guided Oocyte Retrieval, ICSI– (IMSI–, PICSI–) Embryo Generation session, prolonged cultivation, PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening) for each embryo in the new embryonic cohort, pre–ET embryo evaluation, selection of the top–quality embryo(s) suitable for the ET, and Embryo Transfer –– 9,500.00 EUR (€).
  • Second IVF cycle using own oocytes (MC/Adonis clinic) –– 10,850.00 EUR (€).
  • Extra ET cycle (extra fresh or Frozen Embryo Transfer cycle) –– 2,700.00 EUR (€).
  • Extra ET cycle (extra fresh or Frozen Embryo Transfer cycle in MC/Adonis clinic) –– 3,400.00 EUR (€).

Specify the Bundle: Surrogacy using own oocytes and the partner’s sperm (1 IVF cycle using own oocytes and the partner’s sperm is included (Embryo Generation session using the couple’s gametes) Program L4 (only in LITA clinic).


Pack no. 2: ‘Surrogacy Program L4 (only in LITA clinic)’ using own oocytes and the partner’s sperm: 

  1. Online personal session with International IVF & Surrogacy Case Manager (scheduling a fee–free virtual session with an International Patient Coordinator or Fertility Specialist for covering the surrogacy Program questions around what you want to explore and get answers to any questions you may have); 
  2. Initial consultation; 
  3. Surrogate mother selection; 
  4. COS cycle powered up for the Intended Mother; 
  5. Endometrial prep. cycle powered up for the surrogate mother; 
  6. Ultrasound–guided Oocyte Retrieval (1 cycle); 
  7. ICSI– (IMSI–, PICSI–) Embryo Generation session (1 cycle); 
  8. Prolonged cultivation; 
  9. PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening)/PGT–A (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for aneuploidies) cycles (formerly Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS)) powered up for screening 5 pairs of chromosomes in up to 8 embryos; 
  10. Selection of the top–quality embryo(s) suitable for the ET and Embryo Transfer cycle using one or two perfect–quality embryo(s) 

Bundle’s cost starts at 38,500.00 EUR (€).

Single–cycled Surrogacy using own oocytes and the partner’s sperm program L4 (available in LITA clinic) features: 

  • 1 IVF cycle using own oocytes and the partner’s sperm with 1 embryonic cohort generation session
  • PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening)/PGT–A (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for aneuploidies) cycles designed for each embryonic cohort (up to 8 embryos from each embryonic cohort generated through a single ICSI (IMSI–, PICSI–) Embryo Generation session can be screened fee–free)
  • 1 Embryo Transfer trial using one or two embryos
  • 1 Surrogacy cycle 


Surrogacy Program ‘L4’ Payment Timelines: 

  • 1st payment is done on the day of the Surrogacy Contract signing –– 12,100.00 EUR (€). 
  • 2nd payment is done after ICSI– (IMSI–, PICSI–) Embryo Generation session –– 9,400.00 EUR (€).
  • 3rd payment is done in the third month of the surrogate mom’s pregnancy (12 weeks pregnant) –– 4,800.00 EUR (€).
  • 4th payment is done between the sixth and seventh month of the surrogate mom’s pregnancy (26 weeks pregnant) –– 6,700.00 EUR (€).
  • 5th payment is done on the third day after the surrogate newborn was born –– 5,500.00 EUR (€).

Total cost: 38,500.00 EUR (€).


Additional Services:

  • Second IVF cycle using own oocytes (COS cycle, ultrasound–guided Oocyte Retrieval, ICSI– (IMSI–, PICSI–) Embryo Generation session, prolonged cultivation, PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening) for each embryo in the new embryonic cohort, pre–ET embryo evaluation, selection of the top–quality embryo(s) suitable for the ET, and Embryo Transfer –– 5,500.00 EUR (€).
  • Accommodation for the second COS cycle and the other COS extra cycles is not covered by the basic fee and involves extra fees.
  • Extra ET cycle (extra fresh or Frozen Embryo Transfer cycle) –– 2,700.00 EUR (€).


Extra services and their fees for SURROGACY PROGRAM C and PROGRAM L4:

  • PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening)/PGT–A (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for aneuploidies) cycles (formerly Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS)) powered up for screening 5 pairs of chromosomes in extra embryos –– 1,350.00 EUR (€).
  • C–section delivery fee (Caesarean section) –– 1,350.00 EUR (€). This fee covers the prep. for the surgery, medication, anesthesia, Caesarean section, post–surgery monitoring and care, post–surgery medication.
  • Multiple Gestation Fee (Multiples’ fee) –– 3,100.00 EUR (€) for twin pregnancy.
  • Multiple Gestation Fee (Multiples’ fee) –– fee for triplet pregnancy is available on the couple’s demand.
  • Embryo Reduction, Termination of pregnancy (on medical reasons), D&C after the miscarriage or abortion, D&C in case of the early fetal death fees are not covered by the Surrogacy Bundles. 
  • Preterm birth and NICU (Newborn Intensive Care Unit) fees are not covered by the Surrogacy Bundles.  

Fees included in Surrogacy Programs C, L4, L5, L6:

  • The ultimate management of the Surrogacy Program 
  • Personal IVF & Surrogacy Case Manager (International Patients Coordinator)
  • Translation and interpretation services 
  • Transfer from the airport to clinic and back to the airport 
  • Accommodation for the first visit (within 21 days for the cycles using own Oocytes Stimulation) and the final visit (max. 2 months)
  • COS (Controlled Ovarian Stimulation) cycle
  • Signing the Surrogacy Contract
  • Pre–cycle’s Diagnostic Screening for the couple
  • Medication for COS cycles
  • Surrogate mother’s selection, Diagnostic Screening, and prep. for Surrogacy cycle
  • Medication for the surrogate mother
  • Surrogate mother’s compensation for Surrogacy services
  • Maternity hospital fee for the natural delivery that covers prep. for the delivery (staying in the maternity hospital (maternity ward) for the surrogate mom and the baby (babies), consultations, Diagnostic Screenings, tests, ultrasound scans, prenatal care, and postnatal care for the surrogate mom and the newborn(s), medication, the delivery, the delivery–related fees, the birth team fees, and the other fees involved in this process are included)
  • Natural birth
  • Newborn screening
  • DNA test to confirm paternity (the Bundle doesn’t cover DNA test, thus extra fees are involved)
  • Drafting, issuing, and signing the documents necessary for the registration of the intended parents’ names in the baby’s Birth Certificate
  • The baby’s Birth Certificate
  • Assistance with the Exit Process 


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