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Surrogacy with Egg Donation & the Partner’s Sperm Extra Fees in Ukraine, VittoriaVitta

Surrogacy with Egg Donation & the Partner’s Sperm Extra Fees in Ukraine, VittoriaVitta

Surrogacy with Egg Donation and the partner’s sperm ‘Success’ pack has the same ‘out–Bundle’ Pro line of extras that deliver even more results with a floating and seamless ‘integration’ system as Surrogacy with own oocytes and the partner’s sperm. With beautifully functional extras your Surrogacy cycle is transformed into the powerfully purposeful. The dynamic configurations’ range is taken to the extreme. PGD, PGS, TESA, Embryo Vitrification and Storage, Sperm Vitrification and Storage, unique circumstances’ extras paid per occurrence getting your Surrogacy cycle done is all hustle and no hassle. The contrast your eyes see between the ‘core’ configurations only and the ‘core’ configurations with modulative extras is very challenging to show in every Surrogacy pack. With breakthrough attaching, detaching, dragging, and dropping technology, the Pro line of extras takes the program’s transformation to a new level. Explore all ‘out–Bundle’ features the ‘core’ Surrogacy pack doesn’t have. 


1. ‘What is not in the core Surrogacy Bundle?’

PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) and PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening) packs.

PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) and PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening) are the ‘out–Bundle’ Diagnostic Screening Protocols, thus, are not covered by the Surrogacy program ‘Success’ total fee. But PGD Diagnostic Screening for 5 chromosomes is covered by some Surrogacy packs for the embryos generated in a single IVF–ICSI cycle, enabling the Gender Selection. If PGD–5, PGD–9, or PGD–24 is not ‘installed’ in the ‘core’ Surrogacy pack you purchased, the info below will shape the fees. 

  • PGD–5 (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for 5 chromosomes) pack’s cost starts at 1,000.00 EUR. This fee covers Screening of up to 12 embryos. For each extra embryo, the envisaged PGD–fee is 90.00 EUR (€).  
  • PGD–9 (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for 9 chromosomes) pack’s cost starts at 1,500.00 EUR. This fee covers Screening of up to 12 embryos. For each extra embryo, the envisaged PGD–fee is 90.00 EUR (€).  
  • PGD–24 (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for 24 chromosomes) pack’s cost starts at 2,500.00 EUR. This fee covers Screening of up to 10 embryos. For each extra embryo, the envisaged PGD–fee is 90.00 EUR (€). 

Vitrification of the embryonic cohort left after the Embryo Transfer for the future Surrogacy with FET cycle(s) and its storage. 

Embryo Vitrification and Storage of the vitrified embryos during 12 months: 

  • Embryonic cohort prep. for Vitrification + 
  • Vitrification + 
  • Storage of the vitrified cryovials in the cryobank. 

Pack’s cost starts at 400.00 EUR per year. One extra year of vitrified embryos’ storage costs 300.00 EUR (the payment is done before several business days the previous payment will be expired).


Sperm Freezing (Cryopreservation or Vitrification of the partner’s sperm samples for future use) and Storage packs.

Sperm Freezing (Cryopreservation or Vitrification technique) and Storage of the frozen or vitrified sperm samples during 12 months’ (for the future empowerment of the IVF–ICSI (IMSI, PICSI) Embryo Generation Protocol using own or the donor’s oocytes and the devitrified partner’s sperm): 

  • Sperm Collection and prep. for Vitrification + 
  • Vitrification + 
  • Storage of the vitrified cryovials with sperm samples in the cryobank.

Pack’s cost starts at 450.00 EUR per year. One extra year of cryopreserved or vitrified sperm samples’ storage costs 400.00 EUR (the payment is done before several business days the previous payment will be expired). The pack’s fee transparency: Cryopreservation or Vitrification of sperm samples costs 50.00 EUR plus storage of the cryovials with vitrified sperm in the cryobank costs 200 EUR per 6 months or 400.00 EUR per 12 months. 


TESA–empowered Sperm Retrieval for IVF–ICSI cycle.

TESA–Sperm Retrieval pack ‘PRO’: 

  • Ultimate surgical Sperm Retrieval pack: preoperative medical examination + 
  • The partner’s surgical Sperm Retrieval (TESA Protocol) with Sperm Collection and prep. for being used in IVF–ICSI cycle (1,000.00 EUR per mo.).


TESA–empowered Sperm Retrieval, Sperm Freezing, and Storage packs.

TESA–Sperm Retrieval, sperm samples’ Freezing or Vitrification and Storage of the frozen or vitrified sperm samples during 12 months’ PRO’:

  • Ultimate surgical Sperm Retrieval pack: preoperative medical examination + 
  • The partner’s surgical Sperm Retrieval (TESA Protocol) with Sperm Collection and prep. for being vitrified (1,000.00 EUR) + 
  • Sperm Vitrification and Storage Sperm Vitrification (400.00 EUR per year) 

Pack’s cost starts at 1,400.00 EUR per cycle. One extra year of vitrified sperm’ storage in the cryobank costs 400.00 EUR (the payment is done before several business days the previous payment will be expired).

C–Section delivery pack.

C–Section delivery fee (Caesarean section) –– 1,500.00 EUR. This fee covers the prep. for the surgery, medication, anesthesia, Caesarean section, post–surgery monitoring and care, post–surgery medication.

Multiples (twins or triplets).

  • Multiple Gestation Fee (Multiples fee) –– 4,000.00 EUR for twin pregnancy.
  • Multiple Gestation Fee (Multiples fee) –– 8,000.00 EUR for triplet pregnancy.


Unique circumstances paid per occurrence: canceled cycle fee, the Gestational Carrier’s on–hold–mode (waiting–mode) for participation in the Surrogacy program without medical reasons, replacement of the surrogate mom, NIPT, ectopic pregnancy, amniocentesis, CVS, fetal reduction, termination of pregnancy, D&C, loss (or disability) of the reproductive organ or any other organ’s loss or disability, health insurance premium for the surrogate mom, and other unexpected occurrences. –– Up to 10,000.00 EUR.

Unique circumstances paid per occurrence (Surrogacy–related fees, pregnancy–related fees, and prenatal fees): 

  • Canceled cycle fee –– 3,000.00 EUR for re–starting the program.
  • Gestational Carrier’s on–hold–mode (waiting–mode) for participation in the Surrogacy Program without medical reasons (on the couple’s demand) –– 200.00 EUR/month.
  • Replacement of the surrogate mom (the new surrogate mom’s selection, issuing the new Surrogacy Contract, and prep. for Surrogacy program) based on the Fertility Pro’s recommendations (after the pre–Surrogacy Screening, unsuccessful Embryo Transfer, unviable pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, and other unexpected occurrences based on the medical reasons) or on the couple’s demand –– 1,700.00 EUR if the couple has a power of attorney, and 2,000.00 EUR –– if the couple doesn’t have a power of attorney.
  • Ectopic pregnancy –– 500.00 EUR.
  • NIPT (Noninvasive Prenatal Testing) / Noninvasive Prenatal Screening (NIPS), is a screening technique used to detect common fetal chromosome aneuploidies, such as trisomy 13, 18, and 21 (T13, T18, and T21), and has expanded to Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies (SCAs). NIPT screens small fragments of the DNA that are circulating in the Gestational Carrier’s blood –– 700.00 EUR.
  • Amniocentesis (a specialized invasive diagnostic prenatal test that involves removing a small amount of amniotic fluid from the sac surrounding the fetus for testing) –– actual cost as determined by the IVF clinic’s pricelist. It is done to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities, fetal infections, or sex determination.
  • CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling –– a specialized invasive diagnostic test alternative to amniocentesis that involves removing a small amount of tissue (the chorionic villi), which is ‘launched’ on the outside of the fetal Gestational Sac, and will be transformed into the placenta sooner. The chorion is a fetal tissue and shares its genetic makeup with the fetus only –– actual cost as determined by the IVF clinic’s pricelist.
  • Fetal Reduction –– 600.00 EUR.
  • Termination of pregnancy (on medical reasons) –– 100.00 EUR for each gestational week of pregnancy.
  • D&C after the miscarriage or abortion –– 100.00 EUR for each gestational week of pregnancy.
  • D&C in case of the early fetal death –– 100.00 EUR for each gestational week of pregnancy.
  • D&C in case of the late fetal death –– 100.00 EUR for each gestational week of pregnancy.
  • Loss of the reproductive organ or any other organ –– 2,000.00 EUR (the loss of the uterus or fallopian tube(s), the loss of any organ (including the uterus or fallopian tube(s)), part of the organ or the organ’s disability during the Surrogacy program).
  • Compensation paid to the surrogate mom for the surgical interventions caused by pregnancy complications and/or childbirth –– 1,000.00 EUR.
  • Health insurance premium for the surrogate mom in case of unexpected occurrences during pregnancy or labor and delivery (charged starting from the 12th week of pregnancy) –– 300.00 EUR.
  • The other unexpected occurrences.


Unique circumstances paid per occurrence (postnatal fees): 

  • Collection, processing, Cryopreservation, and banking of the newborn’s (newborns’) umbilical cord blood –– the fee is paid according to the price list of the private cord blood bank. 
  • The Attorney’s or lawyer’s staying with the newborn (newborns) in a maternity ward or in the apartment in case the intended parents’ arrival is delayed –– 50.00 EUR/day.
  • Neonatal heel prick screening test (Guthrie test) involves taking a blood sample from the baby’s heel at or as soon as possible after 48 hours of age (at the age of 2–40 days) –– 90.00 EUR/one newborn. Designed to screen the baby for potentially lethal diseases, which could lead to an unexpected early and serious sickness.
  • Babysitter –– from 5,00 EUR/hour.
  • DNA test to confirm paternity, which may be required by the Embassy –– the fee is paid according to the price list.


Something to say in conclusion?

Everything you need in just an ‘out–Bundle’ pack. Extras that have you covered. An ‘out–Bundle’ pack’s flexible configurations provide a great surrogacy experience. And they attach to the ‘core’ Surrogacy pack ‘magnetically’ — no need for cancellation, waiting, or the program’s restart. 

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