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Brazil Artificial Insemination (AI) clinics

Top Artificial Insemination (AI) clinics in Brazil

Clínica GENESIS – Centro de Assistência em Reprodução Humana

Welcoming your dream of having a baby is what moves us. Therefore, for more than 25 years, Genesis - Human Reproduction Assistance Center offers its patients the most modern and scientifically proven in assisted reproduction, with safety, humanization... more about this fertility clinic.

Distrito Federal , Brazil

Espacoamae Itapevi

Fertility is a woman's monthly chance of becoming pregnant. Young couples without health problems have an average of 20% chance per month. In the first year of trying, 90% of couples will become pregnant, and of the remaining 10%, half will become... more about this fertility clinic.

Vila Nova, São Paulo , Brazil

Bruno Ramalho Clinic

Our space was designed to serve people in a welcoming way, respecting their individuality and autonomy, and in favor of conscious decision-making. Here, we intend to share today's dreams and work to preserve tomorrow's. Thus, we offer medical... more about this fertility clinic.

Setor de Grandes Áreas Sul 614, Distrito Federal , Brazil

Monteleone Centro de Reproducao Humana-São Paulo

Created in 2003, the Center of Human Reproduction Monteleone has the objective to help couples and persons who want to have children, orientating and informing on all the doubts and expectations. We want to offer the biggest comfort to our patients... more about this fertility clinic.

Jardim Paulista, São Paulo , Brazil


The ProSer Clinic offers comprehensive support, individualized treatments and advanced technology in assisted reproduction, aiming to help each patient to optimize the chances of having a baby.   ProSer is installed in an area of 250... more about this fertility clinic.

Rio Branco, State of Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil

Reproduction - Center For Assisted Human Reproduction

The Clinic REPRODUCTION since its design, earthworks and foundation, were developed specifically for the Assisted Human Reproduction in 2020 completed 12 years of experience performing dreams and helping to build new families. The physical area of more... more about this fertility clinic.

Jardim das Rosas, São Paulo , Brazil

Vita Clinic

Clínica Vita is specialized in Human Reproduction and Surgical Gynecology, equipped with the most modern techniques and technologies currently available and with a team of specialized professionals. Everything to help you fulfill your dream... more about this fertility clinic.

Martins, Minas Gerais , Brazil


The Ginoferty Human Reproduction Clinic is located in the center of the city of Cascavel, in the west of Paraná, and has a wide physical structure and modern facilities to attend couples with difficulties to gestate and offers, besides the clinical... more about this fertility clinic.

Centro, State of Paraná , Brazil

IVI Salvador

At the IVI Salvador fertility clinic , we follow the efficiency protocols for human reproduction treatments developed and constantly improved by the more than 2,400 specialists in the group, who are continuously researching and publishing scientific... more about this fertility clinic.

Pituba, State of Bahia , Brazil

Clinica Biazotti Medicina Reprodutiva – Unidade São Paulo

A   dream that materializes and becomes reality. A warm and invigorating environment, where couples find comfort, health and well-being. Such is the Biazotti Clinic - Reproductive Medicine, idealized and concretized with the mission... more about this fertility clinic.

Nova Campinas, São Paulo , Brazil