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Fertility India Clinic

Fertility Clinic
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400071

Contact Information

Clinic Name
Fertility India Clinic
Signature Business Park
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400071

Company Details

Languages spoken
English French Arabic other
Year Established
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday 9am - 7pm

FERTILITY INDIA CLINIC is the well-known and topmost destination for various infertility treatments and assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs). Our facilities have formed for every couple assistance required during their severe conditions to become parents. The main focus of the centre is patients' high comfort and satisfaction. You can have different treatments and procedures to conceive a healthy child successfully. Our highly trained experts and medical staff perform treatments with VIP care and the assistance of couples.

About us: 

We have high experience in providing infertility treatments with advanced technologies. Our priority is everyone's happiness through a healthy baby. You can have various infertility treatments for the best assistance in different infertility conditions of partners. Partners can select distinct procedures according to their infertility problems affecting their chances. We have highly up-to-date methods and technologies for treatments. Our strategies might boost your chances of getting pregnant because we have a high success rate.

Mission and visions:- 

FERTILITY INDIA CLINIC quest is to provide happiness and the best procedures globally for infertility treatments. We have the concept of spreading pleasure globally by assisting different infertility conditions. They become successful with top assistance, and high satisfaction is our main motto. Our experts aim to help every person facing infertility conditions.

Our staff:- 

We have highly experienced and certified doctors, specialists, nurses, and ward boys. The entire team is always present to help every patient out there. Experts follow the international standards in infertility treatment to provide the best results. We have a doctor on staff who has spent more than 30 years treating infertility problems. Gynaecologist Dr Nalini Gupta holds a Master of Clinical Embryology, an MD in Obstetrics & Gynecology, and an MBBS. She is the top reproductive endocrinologist and specialist in infertility. She has treated more than 4000 couples throughout her 30 years (more) of practice.

Facilities and services:- 

We provide various assistances and facilities to increase couples' pregnancies chance. Patients select us in different countries to become parents successfully. We are top in offering VIP services with uttermost care for better results. Your satisfaction and comfort is our top most prominent thing that helps in psychological status and help in achieving a healthy child. Our team provides flight-to-flight, pick-up and drop facilities for patients' convenience. IVF success rate in our centre is 53% to 65%, helps patients in conceiving successfully. You will have several services and approaches in one place and will not bother about anything. The following assistances are available:

  • Cryopreservation: The process helps preserve partners' healthy eggs, sperm, and embryos. You can cryopreserve your gametes or fertilize eggs at a young age. It will help you in advanced age with fewer chances of better pregnancy. Your expert can suggest assistance in severe conditions that requires treatment, such as cancer or heart disease. It can cause poor gametes health and severe infertility in partners. They can collect or retrieve healthy gametes through partners to freeze in the lab for the time you want. You may select the process and desire to focus on your career, family, studies, or marriage. It will help you to save healthy gametes and provide them when to want in future.
  • Counselling: Infertility is a difficult phase for couples that cause various problems and psychological concerns. It is the factor in partners' depression phase and increases the suicidal cases due to health conditions. Successful fertility results require a healthy reproductive system and psychological status. We have top counsellors with high experience that provide counselling to manage couples' stress, anxiety, and nervousness during the treatment.
  • Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are available for females with uterine fibroids to help treat their illnesses. It affects fertility, so we provide the topmost approaches for fibroid surgery. Its type depends on factors like fibroids count, size, pregnancy chances, and requirements. In small and (one or two) fibroid presence, experts perform a laparoscopy to remove it and manage the fertility system.
  • Embryo biopsy: Your fertilized eggs can biopsy for additional testing as collecting the cells of embryos. It helps in assuring embryo health and provides better pregnancy results. Your expert can know the fertilized eggs' health before implanting them into the female uterus.
  • Laser-assisted hatching: To increase the conception possibilities, experts perform laser-assisted hatching. It involves puncturing the shell layer of the fertilized eggs before implantation. It helps in a successful pregnancy as the embryo will attach faster to the uterine lining.

Treatments variety

You can have various infertility treatments to assist different conditions of partners. We have top procedures to manage additional problems causing infertility in couples. Our experts suggest the best approaches and treatment processes according to state for successful healthy pregnancy results. These treatments help have a genetic and healthy baby with several problems. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is the top and highly successful process performed by the centre. The following are the treatments available in the centre:

  1. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization):

IVF is the top-notch assisted reproductive technique that accomplishes eggs and sperm fertilization outside the female reproductive system. We have highly advanced technologies and methods to perform the process. You can become successful with a better result in the centre, as other approaches can function in different conditions. IVF has a high chance have a top conception in various infertility problems in men and women. It involves several stages under experts and cutting-edge technologies observations. The expert collects the eggs and sperm in a laboratory and fertilizes them to form embryos. After monitoring, it implants into the female uterus, and pregnancy results confirm results after two weeks.

  1. IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)

IUI is a successful treatment for partners with minor infertility issues. It entails gathering healthy male sperm and inserting it into the prepared uterus of the female. The specialist prescribes fertility medications to stimulate female ovaries to produce more eggs. It increases the conception chances highly and provides better results.

  1. ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)

Our experts perform the process with advanced technology observations. They collect healthy male sperm with the latest methods. In IVF fertilization, the eggs and sperm mix to form fertilized eggs. ICSI performs as the healthy sperm fills into injections and infiltrates into the mature eggs collected by the female partner. It increases the conception possibilities and provides healthy embryos to implant into the female uterus.

  1. Surrogacy:

The couple and a surrogate mother are involved in the third-party reproduction process. Surrogacy is the best option than other infertility treatments or adoption. It provides a genetic and healthy child in severe infertility and health conditions of partners that have no chance of conceiving the baby. It facilitates successful parenthood for same-sex couples, heterosexual partners, and solo parents. The surrogate mother conceives the couple's child through their gametes fertilization in ART.

  1. Donor:

In severe conditions, partners have fewer chances of conception through their gametes. It causes problems in fertility treatments, as it requires healthy eggs and sperm for fertilization. Your expert can suggest donor assistance as eggs, sperm or embryos. It collects from the healthy person willing to help the couple. Through assisted reproductive methods (ARTs), these gametes can fertilize and implant into the female uterus for pregnancy. FERTILITY INDIA CLINIC has extensive databases of donors according to different preferences.

Advanced procedures:

  • PICSI: Physiological Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection performs as ICSI with the high observation of selecting healthy sperm for fertilization in IVF.
  • IMSI: Intracytoplasmic morphologically chosen sperm injection, used in conjunction with the ICSI procedure, aids in healthy sperm production. It is highly successful in severe male infertility conditions.
  • SSR: Surgical Sperm Retrieval has several methods (invasive and non-invasive) to collect healthy male sperm from the reproductive tract. It involves MESA, TESA / MICRO TESA methods that help retrieve healthy sperm for fertilization.
  • PGD: Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis assists in inherited disorder presence in partners that can cause severe infertility conditions or affect the child's health. It performs with IVF as fertilized eggs biopsy performs to check the presence.
  • FET: Frozen Embryo Transfer can help in time-management pregnancy as you can select to become parents anytime. The fertilized eggs can cryopreserve in the lab and implant into the female uterus as per their preference.
  • please book Appointment:-  

    Phone Number:- +91 989-929-3903 

    Book Now:-

    Address :-       26/18, West Patel Nagar
    New Delhi – 110008

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