Fertility Clinic
Ciudad de México, Mexico City, 06760

Contact Information

6 Tuxpan
Ciudad de México, Mexico City, 06760

Clinic Details

Languages spoken
English Spanish
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday 9am - 7pm

Additional Service Areas


The Center for Human Fertility in Mexico is an integral center focused on the fertility of women and men who wish to be parents, in addition to being the first sperm bank in Mexico and we have other services such as: assisted reproduction (In Vitro / CFHM), andrology laboratory and egg bank. In 1995, our institution was born with a NEW vision of assisted reproduction in Mexico, that is, the Centro de Fertilidad Humana en México, SA de CV which was founded by the merger of two North American groups, in this Mexican experience the Dr. Alfredo Góngora Rodríguez to be part of this project

CFHM main objective

It is to help couples and women who wish to be mothers to conceive, combining the use of more advanced techniques with the best care for patients. The CFHM has managed to establish supervision of US banks in order to preserve the same quality standards.

CFHM services adhere to the standards and guidelines of international organizations for the selection and evaluation of donors, as well as for the processing, analysis and distribution of sperm samples.