
Fertility Clinic
Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, 32420

Contact Information

Clinic Name
9371 Av. Campos Eliseos
Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, 32420

Clinic Details

Languages spoken
English Spanish
Year Established
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday 8am — 7pm
Saturday 9am — 5pm

Additional Service Areas


More than 15 years of experience

We have more than 15 years of medical and professional experience in the fertility area. We put this experience at your service to make your dreams of being a dad / mom come true.

Scientific Procedures

All our treatments and solutions are based on previously proven scientific procedures, which will allow you to take safer steps.

Variety of Alternatives

During the last years we have specialized in expanding the alternatives of fertility treatments, this helps us to give you a broader picture.

Personalized Planning

Each case involves a specific and personalized planning. We will help you to clarify the panorama to propose the most effective solutions during the process of your reproduction treatment.

World Class Facilities

Our clinic has facilities, equipment and technology at the most advanced level in the medical assisted reproduction industry.

The Best Team of Specialists

Our medical staff has the team of specialists in the area of reproduction, best prepared in the region, from biologists, embryologists, gynecologists, at the service of your treatment.

Calabasas, Malibu and Santa Monica and make your fertility journey become a memorable trip to Southern California