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Posted 06/12/2019 by First Fertility Phnom Penh

Fresh embryo transfer (ET) Cambodia

Price: 1300USD

Every IVF cycle is designed with the core principle to achieve a healthy pregnancy, thus, to have healthy embryos with the healthy chromosomal content that can be transferred and turn into healthy fetuses. IVF cycle can be designed in multi–variations, starting from OPU cycle (oocyte pick–up and fertilization with ICSI technique) with fresh embryo transfer, OPU cycle with oocyte freezing (oocyte pick–up and oocyte freezing without fertilization), OPU cycle and embryo freezing (for further frozen embryo cycles), and ending with OPU cycle with oocyte freezing plus oocyte thaw, fertilization, and embryo culturing.

Fresh embryo transfer (ET — embryo transfer) is one of the fastest techniques in IVF cycles as it involves embryo culturing to Day 3 or Day 5/Day 6 and embryo transfer procedure.

Embryo transfer is a simple non–invasive procedure with the fastest performance (the time frame to complete embryo transfer is under 5 minutes). This procedure does not need anesthesia or sedation medications. It is performed with the usage of a flexible catheter with embryo “inside” it. The embryo is transferred directly into the maternal uterus.

Fresh embryo transfer (新鲜胚胎植入) bundle costs 1300 USD = 35,000 THB. This fee covers the embryo transfer procedure (胚胎植入) and medications post embryo transfer up to the pregnancy test (胚胎植入后至孕检期间使用的药).

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