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IUI São Paulo

São Paulo Top Rated IUI Fertility Clinics

Espacoamae Avenida Indianopolis

Fertility is a woman's monthly chance of becoming pregnant. Young couples without health problems have an average of 20% chance per month. In the first year of trying, 90% of couples will become pregnant, and of the remaining 10%, half will become... more about this fertility clinic.

Indianópolis, São Paulo , Brazil

Espacoamae Itapevi

Fertility is a woman's monthly chance of becoming pregnant. Young couples without health problems have an average of 20% chance per month. In the first year of trying, 90% of couples will become pregnant, and of the remaining 10%, half will become... more about this fertility clinic.

Vila Nova, São Paulo , Brazil

Espacoamae Avenida Cauaxi

Fertility is a woman's monthly chance of becoming pregnant. Young couples without health problems have an average of 20% chance per month. In the first year of trying, 90% of couples will become pregnant, and of the remaining 10%, half will become... more about this fertility clinic.

Alphaville Industrial, São Paulo , Brazil

Gazineo Clinic

We have been specialized in Assisted Human Reproduction since 1995.  After investigating the etiology of marital infertility, the clinic offers different types of treatments.  We are associated with the largest reproductive medicine group... more about this fertility clinic.

Higienópolis, São Paulo , Brazil

Fertility Bauru – Centro de Fertilização Assistida

Fertility Bauru – Center of Assisted Fecundation, disposes of surgical center and laboratory when they were totally equipped for the handling of gametas and embryos, besides using an integrated identification system through etiquettes with bar... more about this fertility clinic.

Jardim Estoril, São Paulo , Brazil

Reproduction - Center For Assisted Human Reproduction

The Clinic REPRODUCTION since its design, earthworks and foundation, were developed specifically for the Assisted Human Reproduction in 2020 completed 12 years of experience performing dreams and helping to build new families. The physical area of more... more about this fertility clinic.

Jardim das Rosas, São Paulo , Brazil

Instituto Ideia Fértil

The rapid advance of science and technology in the field of Assisted Human Reproduction is not new, however, a small part of the population has access to this evolution.  The use of Assisted Reproduction techniques is generally not covered by... more about this fertility clinic.

Vila Principe de Gales, São Paulo , Brazil

Mater Prime

Mater Prime is an Assisted Human Reproduction clinic created by Dr. Rodrigo da Rosa Filho. Composed of the Ibirapuera unit, located at Avenida Ibirapuera, 2,315, São Paulo. The clinic offers low-complexity Assisted Reproduction treatments, such... more about this fertility clinic.

Indianópolis, São Paulo , Brazil

Espacoamae Cajamar

Fertility is a woman's monthly chance of becoming pregnant. Young couples without health problems have an average of 20% chance per month. In the first year of trying, 90% of couples will become pregnant, and of the remaining 10%, half will become... more about this fertility clinic.

Portais (Polvilho), São Paulo , Brazil

Vinicius Stawinski Reproductive Medicine Sao Paulo

Dr. Vinicius Stawinski has a degree in Medicine from Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná (2011), with residency in Gynecology and Obstetrics. He is a specialist in Human Reproduction from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São... more about this fertility clinic.

Jardim Paulista, São Paulo , Brazil